Ben Dover

Notjodaddy's Avatar
I've noticed a number of white knights, providers and moderators taking issue with some of the opinions I express.

I intend to continue to start threads and comment on the posting of others whenever I choose to and in the fashion to which I have become accustomed.

If and when I violate one of the guidelines the staff or administration can take whatever action they feel is appropriate.

LIL PP's Avatar
You should be extremely proud of your daddy Ben!
taking issue with some of the opinions I express.

Originally Posted by Notjodaddy
Some of them or all of them?

I intend to continue to start threads and comment on the posting of others whenever I choose to and in the fashion to which I have become accustomed.
Originally Posted by Notjodaddy
It your right and by all means, do what turns you on, but I suspect, most of us DO NOT care.
Who is Ben Dover?
KenMonk's Avatar
The amount of narcissism necessary for this thread is astounding. Well done.
I'm just looking forward to hearing he next review since PA access will probably be up in two weeks.
Who is Ben Dover? Originally Posted by super_delfin00
in this case more like Ben Gay
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-01-2016, 06:44 PM
What an awesome display of ego. Someone (you) posts insults, drivel, and other items of dubious taste. Though they are within the rules (it seems) they are crude, vulgar, and carefully selected to offend (it is sad when someone's only pleasure in life is seeing how crude and obnoxious then can be--don't you agree?). And now you seem to find it faux shocking that many people believe you to be a pathetic petulant twerp (their opinion, not mine--I would never insult the helpless).

“I intend to continue”. Goody goody—we have more of your posts to laugh at. More of your whining to remind us of SL in a snit (whether or not you ARE him as some believe, you remind us of him). You probably think you are racking up insightful, intelligent “points” by cleverly insulting mods, providers, and any guys who don’t agree with you. But, as with so many of your other posts you would be completely wrong. Beevis & Butthead were convinced they were oh so cool too—and you do indeed seem intent on modeling yourself after them. But if I were to vote, I would say they probably fall short of your level of pathos. (See, that is a complement—you are better at something than two TV stars; aren’t you proud?)

I really hope you don’t get banned. Or mimic your hero SL and walk off in a snit. It is far too funny to have someone like you to laugh at. SL actually would occasionally post something worth reading seriously. You have yet to demonstrate that ability.

Rant on little man. Maybe you can see if Whispers and Little Ricky Version 83.0 will come to your rescue here.
Make me a mod and I'll Wyatt Earp this board. lol
A few years ago we had the quickest turnover in mod history here. No reason to break any records haha.
Who is Ben Dover? Originally Posted by super_delfin00
It is what jodaddy does when his boy friend shows up.
SpicyOnion's Avatar
Ben Dover-----> Bend Over...
Make me a mod and I'll Wyatt Earp this board. lol Originally Posted by royamcr
Royamcr would do a great job, he can smell BS. Would be a great choice. Plus he would tell a Jerk that they are a F***Up, He has been around for a while.