Just wanted to take a quick second to let everyone now that the"NO" review I received from pelican boy was 100% fake.
I have NEVER hosted on 59 and I wouldn't do an outcall to that area either., nor is my hair blonde,I stand 5'7 and thanks to water burger and chili's weigh about 135.I also have several tattoos. I am not sure if someone has used my name,this blonde haired 115 lb person,OR if this guy is just an asshat who has nothing better to do with his time,or maybe he just cant pass screening.....?
I have reported this to the MODS ,to see what can be done to remove this ugly false review about me.
THANK YOU to all of those who alerted me to this and those who commented that they knew this was not me. I appreciate your kindness,and your ability to call BULLSHIT when you see it.