Ain't "Diddly Squat" To Do In Midland! But...I"ve Got An Idea ;)

How about this???

Since we're all stuck in, ain't Diddly Squat to do, maybe we could get 2 or 3 ladies, and 2 or 3 fellas and take a lil ride on the Mobile Party Bus?! "No limits on the fun we could have and there's a stripper pole!"

There's a few packages in the ad: 60/single, 100/cpl for 3 hrs. No waitress, waitress, topless waitress, is really the only differences between the packages. IMO, we don't need no fucking waitress. (A little spin on the quote from Blazing Saddles lol). I would think 3 & 3 would be the ideal # for ladies to men ratio by the looks of the size of the bus. Hell, if it's fun and turns out well, maybe this could be a once of month thing.

Us fellas could pony up for the bus package (100/fella since we'll be a "cpl" with one of the ladies), drinks of choice (shouldn't be too much expense), and a gift for the ladies that join for spending time with our silly asses. All the ladies gotta do is bring their sexy selves and do your thang .

Whatcha think?

C'mon, it's time! We're all bored asf! Let's get out of the damn house for a few hours and have some fun! PM? Post here? It's all good!
Ok... damn.. I went off the grid but what the fuck... let’s do it....
MikeHonchoHimself's Avatar
Sounds awesome
MikeHonchoHimself's Avatar
Any ladies in town to get on board with this?
Well ladies?

Already 3 of us fellas. Bet we could even squeeze 4 & 4 on that bus.

I'm gonna reach out to them, give them an idea of how many, and see what they've got to say.

Edit: Email sent.
432cherries's Avatar
Well ladies?

Already 3 of us fellas. Bet we could even squeeze 4 & 4 on that bus.

I'm gonna reach out to them, give them an idea of how many, and see what they've got to say.

Edit: Email sent. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
when u thinking of doing this? i might be able to attend... plus i once was a stripper (once upon a time in a far far away land... 12 years ago)
when u thinking of doing this? i might be able to attend... plus i once was a stripper (once upon a time in a far far away land... 12 years ago) Originally Posted by 432cherries
Haven't set a date yet Ms Cherries. Although, I think you would be a great addition. Hopefully you can make it. You're the only lady that has responded here, haven't received any PM's from any ladies and only got two responses from ladies I sent txts to. One is a single lady that is a swinger, but not sure she can make it to Midland with everything that's going on. The other is a provider out of the Dallas area. She gave me a yes, and has an ebony bff that is also a provider that might be interested as well. Supposed to be getting back to me today with her bff's thoughts and info.

A bit about what the bus folks told me in their response....

Told them straight up there will be playing going on, on the bus. They have absolutely no problem with that, but will require a 150 cleaning fee. They like to keep the bus clean and sanitary.

They do have a big screen for porn, but we'd have to bring our own dvd's. I personally like porn on when playing lol.

No smoking on the bus, period.

100/cpl for 3 hrs, if we want longer, that can be worked out prior. But I'm thinking 3 hrs is probably enough. If we want to continue the party, we can always take it to a hotel room.

The bus has a max of 15, but they like to keep it to 10 so it doesn't get too crowded. So, 5 ladies & 5 men would be max.

They supply two coolers, one specifically for ice for mixed drinks. We can bring one of our own as well as long as it's not too big.

They will require a 200 deposit and a disclaimer would need to be signed with names and ages of all that will be riding along. Insurance purposes. They didn't mention requiring any ID, but signing is a must.

They are very private, discreet and honor and respect their clients privacy. So I don't believe there will be any concern about signing the disclaimer. And if anyone here is worried, everyone could sign discreetly (nobody looking over anybody's shoulder).

They also asked when we wanted to do this, as they have several bookings and want to make sure our date will be open. Told them that I'm just getting started trying to put this together, so would have to get back to them with a date.

IMO, I'm fine with either in the evening during the week, or on weekends. But, if we're going to do this, I'm going to need solid commitments that you will be attending and get an agreement from all on a date.

I'd hate to submit the 200 deposit and have it fall thru.

westtexasbrowser's Avatar
FBSMLUVR - this idea sounds 100% like you. Enjoy!
FBSMLUVR - this idea sounds 100% like you. Enjoy! Originally Posted by westtexasbrowser
It is 100% me lol. Hopefully we can pull this off.

Received permission from the lady out of the Dallas area to post that she's a go for this if we can get it set up.

Sunny Summer
One thing I forgot to mention....

The ladies do need to bring something other than their sexy selves in sexy outifts or one to change into .

A beach bag(s) with towels and wipes
MReacher's Avatar
‘My mind is a raging torrent flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into waterfalls of creative’ ideas...
I guess once we reach a limit/get a commitment from guys and ladies alike the day of the week can be better figured out. As for me, weekends are always best but I should be able to pull off a weekday.
As of right now this is who we have:




Sunny Summer

Ideally needing one more Gentlemen, 3 more Ladies. But, we can go with 4 & 4, so possibly only needing 2 more ladies?

Issues with scheduling:

Once we get at least 2 more ladies, I'll push for responses from all on date/time. Afternoons/Evenings during the week? Afternoons/Evenings on a weekend? Once I start reaching out regarding scheduling, please be responsive in a timely manner.

Problem I see us possibly having is some fellas can't get away from the SO at certain times, whether during the week or on weekends. So the fellas that can be flexible, please do so to accommodate the fellas that can't.

Ladies: Be thinking about the gift you're wanting for the 3 hrs on the bus as well as your drink of choice. PM me with your suggestions plz so I can figure out what it's going to be per man which will be totaled together with the bus fees and the drinks needed. Then divided accordingly & evenly. If I don't receive a PM, I'll be reaching out to you.

Guys: Be prepared to receive PM's from me to discuss the ladies desires and again respond in a timely fashion to keep the ball rolling.

Pictures: Regarding pictures being taken, this will be up to the folks attending. If ONE/ANY person is not comfortable with pictures being taken, please be sure to honor their need for discretion. Prior to taking any pictures of anybody, permission is needed. Do NOT over step and ruin it for everyone.

Important!: Once the date/time/location of pick up is set in stone, that information will only be shared in PM with the folks that will be attending.
MReacher's Avatar
Rock on!
January Maye's Avatar
One ticket out of Diddly Squat for the lady in El Paso, please. If logistics allows, I am in!

- January Maye