Twittering in the Hobby

... Now that just sounds dirty. "Tweeting" is probably better but I can't edit my title now.

I'm seeing a shift in the community here that I really love. People that used to have negative opinions of each other on the board are spending time together in real life, and finding that they get along well. More providers (including me!) are actually wanting to go to the GC events. I'm finding providers and hobbyists that I really enjoy spending time with both BCD and in a local bar. Our sense of charity has skyrocketed, and people really seem to be having fun again. In the midst of all that, the information exchange hasn't suffered - if anything, people seem to be more open with each other. This is all such good stuff. I want more!

In San Diego, my provider Twitter was an excellent source of hobby information. Providers shared funny stories and alerts, posted real-time updates about impromptu social events and hangouts, notified clients of last-minute openings, and offered Twitter-only specials.

Hobbyists posted ISOs, requested providers contact them for doubles ("i.e., I'm looking for a lady to join me and @NatalieReign for a double next week), and let everyone know when they were just looking for someone to have lunch or a drink with.

Since I set updates from certain people to come to my phone, it was like an instant 140-character mass-text. Much better than someone posting a thread here every time we want people to hang out.

I really loved it.

I have separate accounts for my personal and hobby life... How many of you have used Twitter in the hobby, or would be willing to try it?

We all have our little circle of friends that we feel comfortable with, but it can never hurt to branch out. I've recently met friends on both sides of the hobby that I absolutely adore. The next time I'm grabbing drinks with the ladies and we'd like to have some friends join us, I'll update my Twitter feed.

I don't think it's a good avenue for providers to gain new clients, but more of a way to stay connected with people you're already familiar with. I'm just curious and I think I'm going to spend more time on my Twitter in the new year. Either that, or twittering myself. Or both.

My handle is Share yours if you'd like.
unagi's Avatar
  • unagi
  • 12-03-2010, 10:24 AM
Twating would be a better term.
I can twitter you so you don't have to twitter yourself
In theory, great. I'm just a little leery of facebook/twitter/foursquare/blahblahblah syncing up my hobby life and personal life just because somebody updated something and I forgot to opt out.

I'm sure I'm just paranoid but I have to keep reminding myself not to get too comfortable that I let my guard down. This is, after all, not your average mainstream hobby.

I'm all for embracing tech (and do...) but for me the KISS principle works just fine here in hobbyland.
I can twitter you so you don't have to twitter yourself Originally Posted by motorboating
THANK GOD! I'm all out of batteries, and my right hand is starting to go numb.
is that so you can post twitter updates like..." i just blew bubbajay...and it was amazing!?" lol

have a drink for me more would do me great right now
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 12-03-2010, 07:08 PM
I'm who you would think I would be there...
  • Paven
  • 12-04-2010, 09:50 AM
I've never even seen a Twitter but I've heard of them. I stay old school lol.
squiretuck's Avatar
Dearest Paven; You are posting here, so I would think you are not completely old school, darling!

I am with down41 on this. I feel pretty exposed here should anyone ever get suspicious and start looking for what I do. So tweeting out for me.

I will say I like the option of social groups meeting more in person, as it is fun to experience the ladies' personalities, without the BCD activities, and obviously less expensive. My big deal is what I am seeing makes me proud to know many of you, and I wish I could be part of many of your personal lives. Alas, though, that statement just doesn't fit in this world, and it makes me sad. But I try to ignore it and live the fantasy that beautiful sexy sultry seductive women actually do like me.

A very Happy Holiday season to you all. I look forward to meeting you, Natalie, soon!
  • Paven
  • 12-04-2010, 11:59 AM
I'm more old school than you know lol, I don't even have a cell phone!

I'd like to see what a Twitter looks like though, just so I know what it is.