APD advertising on BP

Twix's Avatar
  • Twix
  • 12-04-2010, 05:55 PM
Maybe a Jealous wife or GF found out he was possibly cheating . I Also noticed there is also suddenly a" STD" AD ,ON BP as well today. Could be the same Scorned Wife or GF. Untill, theres an actual string of Bust's on the news like in the past ,then will know possiably fer sure.
pyramider's Avatar
Maybe they are using BP as a second job. The economy is tough.
tron's Avatar
  • tron
  • 12-04-2010, 09:54 PM
I am not sure that APD would post a picture like thiat with someone's face identifiable. But.... I am pretty sure that Acevedo likes to be on TV, so if there were some sort of sweep, he would be on the local news talking about it.
The_Leopard's Avatar
I called Gina from South ATX, and this hispanic guy answered. Then a guy calls back from her number and says that was his friend. The hispanic guy, I can hear him in the background. While he asked me questions, I told him, nevermind, wrong number. He kept grilling me until he said, "I got your number, and you are going to jail." I was like, what the hell.

Hilarious as it is. I am going to say in tonight and make sure my ass isn't busted.