Attaching pictures

LilRed's Avatar
Help!!! How do I make a picture on my computer have a url so I can attach it to an email? I tried to copy and paste a picture before but I was told that the picture was not seen on their end of the email although I saw it just fine on my computer when I opened it.
The Flash's Avatar
It will only have a url if it is on the net somewhere, or you have it saved at a picture hotsting website like photobucket.

You should just be able to attach it to the email with no problems if it is saved on your computer.
LilRed's Avatar
The pics are saved on my computer. But when I click on the picture icon to attach one, a box requesting the pictures url pops up instead of the usual browsing box icon I usually get.

I will look into the other option you suggested. I have not saved pics to the net like that before.

Thanks FLash

It will only have a url if it is on the net somewhere, or you have it saved at a picture hotsting website like photobucket.

You should just be able to attach it to the email with no problems if it is saved on your computer. Originally Posted by The Flash
LilRed's Avatar
Question... if I save pics to the internet this way can everyone see my pics???? Cause I don't want them to!!!
The Flash's Avatar
YES, unless you make your account private.........on most of those sites you can do this.
mrchris.emm's Avatar
Most picture servers allow you to set pictures as private, so no one else can search or see them. Only when you post the direct link to that pic (gotten from the picture hosting site) will others see it.

Imageshack, flickr, photoshack etc are good, just create a dummy account just for it. Just make sure each pic's setting is private and no one else can see except you.

Also, keep file names and tags non-descript just in case. If anyone should see your list of pictures with generic numbers, no one should be curious. A tag or title something like "I swallow it all" could attract attention...