Annother illegal invader set free

Colorado today, set free a killer illegal alien, who had crashed into a fuel carrying truck, then fled.. The fire caused by his crash, killed the truck's driver.
ICE put a detainer on him, but the idiot cops in Colorado, say "WE can't honor ICE detainers, as we see them as unconstitutional"... So after paying up 25k bail, the guy was let go.. AND NOW no one can find him..

GEE who'da thunk..
Colorado today, set free a killer illegal alien, who had crashed into a fuel carrying truck, then fled.. The fire caused by his crash, killed the truck's driver.
ICE put a detainer on him, but the idiot cops in Colorado, say "WE can't honor ICE detainers, as we see them as unconstitutional"... So after paying up 25k bail, the guy was let go.. AND NOW no one can find him..

GEE who'da thunk.. Originally Posted by garhkal
Another law breaking friend of wtf ! Who thinks that we " should make it EASIER for them to come and go."
bamscram's Avatar
Wonder how many times he has been deported?
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  • WTF
  • 03-12-2018, 08:09 AM
Another law breaking friend of wtf ! Who thinks that we " should make it EASIER for them to come and go." Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Another lie by Gay Rey.

ICE could have been there when he was released, why weren't they. The fucker was in jail!

It sounds like all ICE had to do was get a federal criminal warrant to detain this guy. Why didn't they do that?

The Denver Sheriff Department, which operates the jail, told Fox News last week that unless ICE gets a federal criminal warrant that Zamarripa-Castaneda could leave detention after posting bond.
Another lie by Gay Rey.

ICE could have been there when he was released, why weren't they. The fucker was in jail!

It sounds like all ICE had to do was get a federal criminal warrant to detain this guy. Why didn't they do that?

The Denver Sheriff Department, which operates the jail, told Fox News last week that unless ICE gets a federal criminal warrant that Zamarripa-Castaneda could leave detention after posting bond. Originally Posted by WTF
So are YOU gonna run to Colorado and shelter him and help him file for Social Security like YOUR GENTE in Mexifornia for 37 YEARS. YOU are showing how little YOU care about public safety of CITIZENS of THIS COUNTRY, HOVEL BUILDER !
LexusLover's Avatar
Some "foreign visitors" should be allowed to remain here ...

I love it when Eccie colludes with the Russians.
Wonder how many times he has been deported? Originally Posted by bamscram
From all i've read on him, there's no mention of how MANY time's he has been deported. Just 3 statements from 3 different articles saying he "is a repeat deportee"..

It sounds like all ICE had to do was get a federal criminal warrant to detain this guy. Why didn't they do that?
DO you know how much time it takes to GET said warrant? If ICE had to do that with EVERYONE they wanted detained, they'd need a few HUNDRED new judges just to DEAL with it.
Colorado today, set free a killer illegal alien, who had crashed into a fuel carrying truck, then fled.. The fire caused by his crash, killed the truck's driver.
ICE put a detainer on him, but the idiot cops in Colorado, say "WE can't honor ICE detainers, as we see them as unconstitutional"... So after paying up 25k bail, the guy was let go.. AND NOW no one can find him..

GEE who'da thunk..
Originally Posted by garhkal
Check WDF's dry wall crew.

On a side note, President Trump disappoints me that Khalid Sheik Mohammed hasn't been lined up for a firing squad.
Check WDF's dry wall crew.

On a side note, President Trump disappoints me that Khalid Sheik Mohammed hasn't been lined up for a firing squad. Originally Posted by gnadfly
And tie him back-to-back with Nadal Hassan then turn loose some feral hogs -sows with piglets preferably - to " sniff ' around them prior to letting the lead fly !
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  • 03-12-2018, 06:34 PM
So are YOU gonna run to Colorado and shelter him and help him file for Social Security like YOUR GENTE in Mexifornia for 37 YEARS. YOU are showing how little YOU care about public safety of CITIZENS of THIS COUNTRY, HOVEL BUILDER ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
No where did I say what you have implied I said Gay Rey.

I in fact think ICE should have been at the jail to arrest this guy. Not at some fucking Taco Stand arresting folks whose only crime was to try and make a better life for their family in this country.

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  • WTF
  • 03-12-2018, 06:35 PM
And tie him back-to-back with Nadal Hassan then turn loose some feral hogs -sows with piglets preferably - to " sniff ' around them prior to letting the lead fly ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You have huge gay issues Raymond. . .