Fake Review.

I never seen this guy. I would never do a $50 B&G NEVER
I have not stayed by Ku med in a while. SMH
I been in the plaza the days I was here and I left on the 30th in the am from the plaza to go to Iowa
Fake review
Yes. I got the price wrong. It was $60. Here is the add I responded too.

It was also closer to the first of Oct. Maybe the 8th or 9th.

I apologized and asked for the review to be removed since it upset her so much but they told me they do not remove reviews.
lol why would I get mad at a yes review? Reason of me getting mad was the price and you didn't know when you seen me.I had people calling for a 50 B&G That's why I got little upset. Never happened.I think I know who I see but ok. Have a great evening.
Helicopter206's Avatar
Was he using a Groupon to get a discount. (no she doesn't take Groupon's, it's a joke)
Wow how does one forget, the date, price point, and location.
Could it have been someone else that was over by KU Med.
I guess Kaylen sucked the brains out of the little head.
Glad he could drive home after...
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Can it be updated since you weren't too far off in the price?
Never heard of them not removing reviews if it's a fake or has some fudged info anyways.
But in the end if she's sure of not seeing him there still lies a big problem.
Haha, i bet that phone was blowin up with requests for that deal! I'd take two or three! Ah hell, who am I kidding...I cant go three times without medicinal assistance! Hahaha
lol sure was
Haha, i bet that phone was blowin up with requests for that deal! I'd take two or three! Ah hell, who am I kidding...I cant go three times without medicinal assistance! Hahaha Originally Posted by HeyMikeyHeLikesIt