Copy Before Edit - Trump wins we are all going to the Camps

Here is a direct quote from Project 2025 on what the Right wants to do to porn stars, escorts, and to the people who enjoy and consume porn: Look what has occurred in get arrested for being with an escort today, your not paying a going to JAIL and maybe even Prison!! I support 2A, I own my own guns, no they did not get lost when my boat sank, I am against abortion but do not for one minute believe the US GOVT has the right to tell me what to do with my body and they sure as hell don't have the right to tell DOCTORS HOW TO THINK and what to do!!

This copy paste is from Littel Mia a porn writer I follow and this was on her page. I am sure she would be OK with it being shared here.

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Quote mentions Sexualization of Children and Child Predators