Texting vs Talking

Starry69's Avatar
I'm going to vent a little frustration. I tried to set something up with a provider who is normally out of travel distance. I was in that part of town on business so I tried to set something up. We traded a couple texts and I asked if I could call because my hobby phone is kinda crappy for texting. She replied text was preferred so I didn't call. I texted the time I could be there. No reply. So when it was time for me to leave I sent a text that I assumed she was no longer interested because I hadn't heard from her. I waited around a little but didn't get a reply, so I rode home. I was on my motorcycle so no texting or telephones. When I got home I had a text saying that yes, she was still interested. But I was outside of reasonable drive distance then.

I know some people prefer texting, and texting does have a place. I know that sometimes people just can't talk on the phone. But if it is possible to talk on the phone more information can be shared in one minute than in a dozen texts. People can communicate clearly and concisely.

Really, isn't it OK to have a very brief telephone conversation to get the details straight? It would make things so much easier for everybody and prevent so many misunderstandings.
If I've already verified or know ya, then I dont mind brief texting for details on time or whatnot. I will say, I do have to hear your voice on the phone when on the way. Other than that, I'm actually not a phone person (as most people know) and I don't have it glued to me. Hell, half the time I can't even find my phone or its dead. Lol
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
If I've already verified or know ya, then I dont mind brief texting for details on time or whatnot. I will say, I do have to hear your voice on the phone when on the way. Other than that, I'm actually not a phone person (as most people know) and I don't have it glued to me. Hell, half the time I can't even find my phone or its dead. Lol Originally Posted by Gemma34
I'm the same way about my front door,
if someone knocks(which they do 99% of the time, even though I have a Fin doorbell cos I can't hear a knock UPSTAIRS) I still plain dont answer
I can look at you, you can't see me, so why do I want to answer,
what do you have I want?

Although I'd answer if i looked out and saw:
lol! Me too! That's funny! Or if I'm in the middle of a show or I'm not expecting company....I will just lay there and ignore the door!! Lol. I figure its my door and my phone I'll answer them when I feel like it.

Really, isn't it OK to have a very brief telephone conversation to get the details straight? It would make things so much easier for everybody and prevent so many misunderstandings. Originally Posted by Starry69
My Cell Phone is so old it has a dial. Nothing beats seeing 4 or 5 people texting each other and they are sitting in the same room.
Keep in mind that in some cases, you're actually texting with management, and the provider is not available to talk on the phone (e.g. with another client, in shower, asleep, or simply not in the same location as management). Same goes with PM's. Do not assume you are exchanging PM's with the provider.

I learned these lessons the hard way. Not to say this is the norm, but it's a reality one should be aware of.
There is a lot more misunderstanding with txting than a conversation.
There is a lot more misunderstanding with txting than a conversation. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
100% correct, and driving also.
I answer my own calls. I gotta know that I'm safe. Shit. I dont trust nobody else. Lol. Ya know...
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
lol! Me too! That's funny! Or if I'm in the middle of a show or I'm not expecting company....I will just lay there and ignore the door!! Lol. I figure its my door and my phone I'll answer them when I feel like it. Originally Posted by Gemma34
I should take you to a meal,...where would you want to go?

go just sit around eating chocolates,whatever
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
100% correct, and driving also. Originally Posted by old-tyme-racer
much in the same as true on forums.
it comes from both ends....people can't write with shit and people can't read and/or comprehend worth shit.
lol. Wrong question. I love food!
I answer my own calls. I gotta know that I'm safe. Shit. I dont trust nobody else. Lol. Ya know... Originally Posted by Gemma34
When you actually answer or call someone back lmao teasing you
dirty dog's Avatar
much in the same as true on forums.
it comes from both ends....people can't write with shit and people can't read and/or comprehend worth shit. Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
why would anyone want to write with shit?
No crayons?