In Dire Need Of A Cival Atty

Looking for a civil atty. barter not needed but also not turned down...Just want someone I can trust.
Need some one familiar with automobile titles/repossession laws & consumer law.

PM me for exact details.

jframe2's Avatar
It might help if you mentioned which state you are having your problem.
Consumer law will vary from state to state.
ShysterJon's Avatar
It might help if you mentioned which state you are having your problem.
Consumer law will vary from state to state. Originally Posted by jframe2
Tell us not only what state, but what city, too. For example, if the matter is in Texas, it could be El Paso, Beaumont, Wichita Falls, or Galveston. Not too many lawyers regularly practice all over the Lone Star State.

In my opinion, there are many better ways to find an attorney than posting on this board. As I've written many times before, providers post lawyer ISOs and some jackal lawyer contacts them, gets some free wangy-bangy, then screws up their case. The girl gets fucked and then gets fucked, too.

To find a good lawyer, ask trustworthy family members and friends for a referral. Even if they don't know a lawyer who specializes in the topic of your case, the lawyer may know a good lawyer who does.

Also, the State Bar of Texas has a database that can be searched by name, city, area of practice, and whether the attorney is board-certified in an area of law, among other things. For example, to be board-certified in consumer law, an attorney has to practice in that area of law for a number of years, then pass a comprehensive written test on consumer law. Here's the link to the search screen:

State Bar of Texas, Find a Lawyer

Finally, I'll say it again: PAY YOUR LAWYER WITH MONEY, NOT PUSSY. Lawyers and providers may both fuck their clients for money, but they should never trade services.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Jon is correct about finding an attorney from these pages as being mostly a bad idea. I started a dialogue with an attorney with the idea of him setting up an appointment. (This was many years ago)

I mentioned that I had some non-moving violation tickets. So we meet and he said that he would take care of things. A few months and a warrant for my arrest later, I had to find a "real" attorney to clean up the mess. And this was for about $200 worth of tickets or there about.

The mess took a long time to clean up and it really cost me a lot. Just a nasty situation all around for something that should have been super simple.

My attorney couldn't even get records from this slime. I learned later that he had done a similar thing, in Dallas, to another escort and she lost custody of her children. I'm sure that he's still on this board, lurking. What happened to me was during the ASPD days.

So I would be very wary of trusting someone who contacts YOU, instead of you contacting them, to get some help.

I've gone around and around with attorneys in my day and I've never come out ahead except for one time. And of course, when that happened, it truly was a blessing.

Best wishes to you! Contact a law school in Houston or search around. That would probably work best for you!

Good luck!
ShysterJon's Avatar
I started a dialogue with an attorney with the idea of him setting up an appointment. (This was many years ago)

I mentioned that I had some non-moving violation tickets. So we meet and he said that he would take care of things. A few months and a warrant for my arrest later, I had to find a "real" attorney to clean up the mess. And this was for about $200 worth of tickets or there about.

The mess took a long time to clean up and it really cost me a lot. Just a nasty situation all around for something that should have been super simple. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I'm working right now on a case very similar to yours. The hobbyist got serviced then failed to show up for court TWICE, causing two warrants to be issued for the provider's arrest. The court wants $470.
I am in Houston Texas. I understand about getting taken advantage of but I really am not looking to trade service for service.
Also the case is civil not criminal so no warrants for me a possibility. I want someone to file a lawsuit on my behalf in civil court...nothing criminal.

As for trade. if he wants to trade...He'll have to have a proven track record for civil suits... I have a track record for what I

I am certainly looking in other ways for this atty but I mostly want an atty that I can be honest with about what I do w/o judgement.

If this works it works if not ce la vie.

One way or another I am suing the shit out of a car dealer and a repo company that wrongfully repo-ed my car, charged me a bogus repo charge & storage charge and did everything they could to drag out the problem.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
My cheap advice stands if it's a civil or a criminal offense. It's still the same.

I've found that attorneys, in general, aren't going to care what you do. They're going to care about getting paid.

Again, good luck! I'm sure that you know exactly what you're getting yourself into and doing.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I'm working right now on a case very similar to yours. The hobbyist got serviced then failed to show up for court TWICE, causing two warrants to be issued for the provider's arrest. The court wants $470. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
I feel for her! I do. A good warning for all.

jframe2's Avatar
Tia, based on your quote:
"One way or another I am suing the shit out of a car dealer and a repo company that wrongfully repo-ed my car, charged me a bogus repo charge & storage charge and did everything they could to drag out the problem."

you might consider filing a complaint with the State Attorney General's office or even the local District/County Attorney office. That is if this matter is completely part of your civil life and there is no overlap into the Hobby.

Good luck,
Hope it works out,
There's no overlap what so ever... I filed the paperwork today with AGs office. I actually found out since it is under 10K I can file in SC court for this...I will be down there tomorrow or Monday to do so.

I am so tired of the snakes who think they can get away with anything.They have tangled with the wrong gal...Due to my profession I have lots of time to devote to making their life miserable...I intend to do so!

Thanks all for your care and advice


Tia, based on your quote:
"One way or another I am suing the shit out of a car dealer and a repo company that wrongfully repo-ed my car, charged me a bogus repo charge & storage charge and did everything they could to drag out the problem."

you might consider filing a complaint with the State Attorney General's office or even the local District/County Attorney office. That is if this matter is completely part of your civil life and there is no overlap into the Hobby.

Good luck,
Hope it works out,
J Originally Posted by jframe2
jframe2's Avatar
Good for you!
Go girl go!!!!!
Mojojo's Avatar
Tia use this for Houston
ck1942's Avatar
Tia, sorry for the issues, and don't overlook the opportunity to file complaints with the Better Business Bureau, local TV "troubleshooters" and other "ombudsman" types. Possibility that if a towing company was involved, city towing ordinances and license might have been violated.
Do not let this become so important that you suffer in the end. I agree you should stand up for yourself, but do not let it consume so much that you suffer from it in the end. Stuff like this can consume you before you know it. Nothing is worth that. These folks go home at night and live their life, they surely do not give your situation a second thought the minute they leave the office at the same time you will be "taking this home with you" Maintain a sense of balance and best of luck to you.

There's no overlap what so ever... I filed the paperwork today with AGs office. I actually found out since it is under 10K I can file in SC court for this...I will be down there tomorrow or Monday to do so.

I am so tired of the snakes who think they can get away with anything.They have tangled with the wrong gal...Due to my profession I have lots of time to devote to making their life miserable...I intend to do so!

Thanks all for your care and advice

Tia Originally Posted by Tantalizing Tia