Another liberal point of view: Hillary on female presidents

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So Hillary Clinton goes to the liberal media outlet AP and makes the statement that a woman president would send the right message....what message is that Hillary? That we should overlook incompetence, neglect, and downright criminality to elect a woman president named Hillary. I don't mind a woman president. In fact it will probably happen in the next three election cycles but give us someone who has accomplished something besides attacking critics of her husband, helping to cover up malfeasance, and who has lied about her criminal behavior (FBI files, Whitewater, Travel staff, etc)

Now we need Sarah Palin, Condi Rice, or Nikki Haley to step up.

I wonder how many of you will fall for these coincidences?
I would consider voting for a Female Presidential Candidate. But it certainly won't be the likes of a Hillary Clinton. Everything she touches turns to shit. Hillary Clinton is only concerned about one thing and that is being the first Female President. With an ego as big as hers I'll be surprised if she doesn't run in 2016.
Speaking in Canada is a liberal outlet.???? About voting for a woman if it was the right one. Come on JD poor.
Now we need Sarah Palin, Condi Rice, or Nikki Haley to step up. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
On what planet is Sarah Palin qualified to be president?

I thoroughly dislike Hillary Clinton, but I would vote for her in a heartbeat over that dopey trailer trash from Alaska.

I hope Glenn Rice took some pictures of her giving him a BBBJ way back when and posts them if she ever tries to run again.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-22-2013, 05:23 PM
JD likes Palin because shes smarter than him ... LMAO

and the fringe right still cant figure out why they lose elections, even when you tell them.
JD likes Palin because shes smarter than him ... LMAO

and the fringe right still cant figure out why they lose elections, even when you tell them. Originally Posted by CJ7
I wouldn't elect her dog-catcher, let alone president.

JD can think straight when he see Palin because all of his blood rushes down from his brain to his boner.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I wondered who would the first low life to make a personal attack and it was the New Yorker. Or should I say the New Yorker who quit.

As for experience Hillary has none, nada, zero, zip, null, nothing (to quote Dan Rather). All of her "experience" is as part of a legislative body. Sarah Palin (and you can bitch all you want) has been Mayor and Governor. She took n vested, monied interests in Alaska and won. She actually put some life in McCain's campaign for a few months. She has ran a small business, written a book (without the ghost writer), and been responsible for a number of conservative candidates winning their elections around the country. Can Hillary claim any of that? I can also tell you what Sarah Palin didn't do. She didn't lie for her husband. She didn't break the law, She didn't put her future first before the country. She didn't fail the 3 AM phone call test. She did not cover up the needless deaths of four Americans in a foreign land. And she didn't eat a pile of shit trying to keep herself in the limelight of politics by being a toady for a socialist.
Condaleeza Rice has even more experience and something else that Hillary lacks; class and dignity.
Oh snick snick fucking snick.. You did see the emails where anything important came up they asked Todd.
I wondered who would the first low life to make a personal attack and it was the New Yorker. Or should I say the New Yorker who quit.
I was FIRST? Did you read your own first thread? Or do you not count?

As for experience Hillary has none, nada, zero, zip, null, nothing (to quote Dan Rather). All of her "experience" is as part of a legislative body. Sarah Palin (and you can bitch all you want) has been Mayor and Governor. She took n vested, monied interests in Alaska and won. She actually put some life in McCain's campaign for a few months.
And then she SANK his campaign once people got a closer look at her. McCain proved himself incapable of the office of POTUS because he failed his first big test: picking a running mate whose hands the country would be safe in if he died in office.

She has ran a small business, written a book (without the ghost writer), and been responsible for a number of conservative candidates winning their elections around the country. Can Hillary claim any of that? I can also tell you what Sarah Palin didn't do. She didn't lie for her husband.
Are you sure? She has lied about a shitload of other stuff in her personal and professional life - staring with that tall tale about flying home to Alaska to have the kid.

She didn't break the law,
How do you know? Have you read the reports about Palin using the police to intimidate anyone that crossed her or her husband? When she won office the first thing she did was try to settle old scores.

She didn't put her future first before the country.
Bullshit. She has ALWAYS put herself first. When she won office the first thing she did was try to settle old scores. Not exactly an altruist..

She didn't fail the 3 AM phone call test.
That means nothing. She never took the 3 AM phone call test. Thank god.

She did not cover up the needless deaths of four Americans in a foreign land. And she didn't eat a pile of shit trying to keep herself in the limelight of politics by being a toady for a socialist. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
And so, the myth of Sarah Palin grows...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So much bullshit. You really have drank the kool aid.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I can't think of a single man or woman who identifies themselves as a Republican or Democrat, that I would support for President. Well, Ron Paul, but is too old, and not really a Republican. But other than that, there is no one in either party worth a vote. And that includes that sellout and Republicanized Rand Paul.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
BSwine, are you REALLY saying that the former Senator from New York and Secretary of State is not qualified to be president?


Just checking.

You can still save face on this one, dickweed.
ou can still save face on this one, dickweed. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Saving face has never been very high on Barley4Brains list of priorities!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
it's one think to be passionate about your political philosophy. The loyal opposition I'd admirable.

However BSwine and a lot of the Usual Dipshits are not loyal.

This bit of dimwittedness stands as further evidence.
BSwine, are you REALLY saying that the former Senator from New York and Secretary of State is not qualified to be presiident. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Hillary has never been able to see Russia from her bathroom window!