Two Reviews in One?

Klepton's Avatar
I have a question regarding seeing a Provider multiple times in one week. Are we supposed to post only one review noting both dates, or are we allowed to post two separate reviews of her, and if so, do/will we get credit for two Reviews? I think it would be difficult to go into details of both sessions in one review without making it a long one. Perhaps we could separate the two reviews by a specific amount of time?
Klepton's Avatar
Hello? Hello? Anybody home? McFly?
Guest062716's Avatar
Sorry that no one saw this note before now.

To answer your question, should you choose to review a young lady, one review per BCD session is the norm.

Thanks for the question.


Klepton's Avatar
Thanks for the reply Sarge! I was being facetious...although I had noticed that questions posted after mine had already been answered while mine hadn't. Unfortunately, my specific question(s) have still not been answered. I know it's the norm to write a review per BCD session. However, I asked about the case when one has had two BCD sessions with the same provider only days apart. If we were to write two reviews, would we get PA credit for both? Can we write both reviews at the same time (same day), or is it best to separate them by as much time possible, but still sticking to the "less than 30 days from the time it happened" rule?
Guest062716's Avatar
...about the case when one has had two BCD sessions with the same provider only days apart. If we were to write two reviews, would we get PA credit for both? Originally Posted by Klepton
No, sorry. It does not work that way. Good question though.

