Can a single bad review put a provider out of business?

Soonerman12's Avatar
Anyway, I've been reading this new blog by an escort, and she makes a comment about reviews:

Still teetering on the fact that I might have to return to escorting, I came back to "reviews"

Anyone not familiar with this should know, this is where hobbyists "aka- clients" go onto major boards where they cluster like testosterone crazed boys and pat each other on the back for the newest story they posted.

Basically they "review" their time with you and you get scores based upon your performance. Pretty romantic huh? Not only do they include all the details of your time together, but they tend to do as most men in groups do- and try to one up each other by making their details better than the others.

And god forbid if you dont have a good meeting, you are doomed with a "bad review" - which can put a girl out of business in certain areas.

Not only do I think time spent together should be personal- and not posted for the world to read- excuse me, I mean the VIP's that these boards get paying members to pay to be- but the review system is ugly. Lets say you are attractive, have a nice meeting, and all goes well. Well unless you agree to a choice of one of 3 pretty gross things as a minimum- you cant score over a 7 on these rating boards. So no matter how pretty or "good" you are- if you value safety you wont score well.

And the guys who know this that try to help you get a better score are really not doing you any favors, because to do so they must state that you do in fact offer one of these servies- thus making the rest of the men believe when they see you thats what they will get.

Pretty fun stuff.

I was thinking about this because nowadays without reviews it is very hard to get work- guys dont want to take the chance, and so I considered linking back to my working day reviews, but it made me sick to read through them, and i dont want to be tied to the past. So i say no reviews.

Another review downfall is that the boards try to protect themselves by calling the reviews fiction, and agreeing they are made up stories- thus not illegal. Well try telling that to a judge who is holding printouts of your reviews, which happened to a good friend of mine. They arent fiction at that point.

Another fun job perk to consider
Can a single bad review really put a provider out of business? Is it that serious?
shorty's Avatar
No it can't but it doesn't help a lady just starting out or getting back into the hobby. Now several continous bad reviews can really damage a lady.
Soonerman12's Avatar
She was right about one thing... I won't take the chance on a provider without at least one review.
shorty's Avatar
She was right about one thing... I won't take the chance on a provider without at least one review. Originally Posted by Soonerman12
I did take a chance on a provider once. We had communicated thru email for a few days, to where I felt comfortable about seeing her. I must say she was a rare find of a UTR Provider. To bad I don't do reviews anymore because she could've been a busy lady. Oh Well, she didn't last long in the business.
vidagalore's Avatar
it depends on the context of the review.
sometimes men can say unnecessary things during a review which can result in slow or hampered business.
The one bad review doesn't make or break someone. Actually if you start seeing some good honest reviews after. It goes to show that they are willing to improve. After all we are all human and for someone to be 100% all positive review is almost in-human, we all have bad days.
london rayne is 100% positive isn't she?
No one bad review doesn't hurt you if you are willing to improve (if it was the providers fault.)

I am not a reader of the escortgirl blog but it seems that she looks upon her life as an escort and the specified field with disdain. I don't how a girl with this mindset can be successful at her job, especially when she is in a position where her business relies on reviews. But hey, it's her blog.
Soonerman12's Avatar
No one bad review doesn't hurt you if you are willing to improve (if it was the providers fault.)

I am not a reader of the escortgirl blog but it seems that she looks upon her life as an escort and the specified field with disdain. I don't how a girl with this mindset can be successful at her job, especially when she is in a position where her business relies on reviews. But hey, it's her blog. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Skylar... my only wish is that I'm in Dallas when you come in January.. Goodness, every picture you post gets sexier and sexier (new avatar).

Oh, but about the blog.. very interesting read.. She has definitely shed some light on a mostly hidden industry.
shorty's Avatar
london rayne is 100% positive isn't she? Originally Posted by coefficient
She's firm and positive about her 6" rule!!
Skylar is even sexier in person an absolute jem not to be missed.
Still Looking's Avatar
london rayne is 100% positive isn't she? Originally Posted by coefficient
I'm not even going to check, but I bet she is! You want to be the first one to give her a bad review? LOL
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I'm not even going to check, but I bet she is! You want to be the first one to give her a bad review? LOL Originally Posted by Still Looking
Bawhahahaha! You wouldn't want to know.
Still Looking's Avatar
Ah London is just another Angel!

Women are Angels. And when someone breaks thier wings....
They simply continue to fly ........ On a broomstick.....

They are flexible like that.

Still Looking's Avatar
Just checked London has 100% YES reviews! I expected as much! LOL

But I was surprised when I noticed Shorty & Ed were tunnel buddies! LOL