The difference btw a 26 and 40 year old Provider... I was explaining to an early 30s gents yesterday that I am a mature woman certainly not in her 20s, he asked me this simple question.
I really didn't know how to respond. So, what do you folks think?
What is the difference, in your experience, between a 26 and 40 year old provider?
Rudyard K's Avatar

Sorry, I couldn't resist. The sad fact is...If he has to ask, he ain't gonna see it.
I'm afraid that's one I ain't touching with someone else's 10' pole because I like both sorts.

One note -- even in my early 20's I routinely saw women in their 30's. The fact that a guy is in his 30's doesn't automatically mean he won't appreciate you. I've seen some providers who are older than me.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-15-2010, 12:34 PM
A 26 year old thinks she knows it all

A 40 year old woman thinks........., well who cares what a 40 year old woman thinks!

I'm just jkn, a good woman is a good woman no matter the age.

Sorry, I couldn't resist. The sad fact is...If he has to ask, he ain't gonna see it. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
You might be a decade ahead of yourself, there, big boy.

I just had a call from a 21 year old, who I turned down. Now that's ridiculous! Could it be the popularity of this whole Cougar trend??

But seriously, is it sophistication, hormones ( women in their sexual prime!), a comfort level within themselves...what's the up and downside to both age bracketts? IYO of course.

atlcomedy's Avatar
A 26 year old thinks she knows it all

. Originally Posted by WTF
And she'll tell you all about it...her ad usually starts out:

"Don't let my age fool you. Behind this beautiful exterior is a woman mature beyond her years....."
And she'll tell you all about it...her ad usually starts out:

"Don't let my age fool you. Behind this beautiful exterior is a woman mature beyond her years....." Originally Posted by atlcomedy

My maturity has been hard won, but I still may be the world's oldest living teenager...
Clair Darlin'

The difference is 14 years of experience - in lovin', in life, in style, in men and how to pleasure them. I love beautiful young ladies, appreciate their talents and their God-given attributes (and maybe some man-given ones as well LOL) and there are times when I just want to worship the body of a young goddess; however, when I really want to indulge myself, I find I need a little bit more than physical attributes to truly engage the most important sex organ of all, the mind. And there are plenty of 30 and 40 something ladies on here with the experience to fully engage our brains and who have bodies as good or better than some of the younger ones (if in doubt, look in the mirror for exhibit A.) Unfortunately for us old guys, the younger woman who can truly engage all of a man's sexual and sensual reponses is very rare.That's why the few in that category who participate in this community are so well compensated! All this, of course, is coming from a guy older than either of the theoretical women being discussed, so anything said herein is VERY biased toward what it takes to get the appropriate response from a gentleman of experience! And if this gets me into trouble with either group, well, I am also old enough to have been in trouble with a lady many times. I usually survive, bloody and blue-balled, but I do survive!
atlcomedy's Avatar
I've met some providers that have been "26" for at least 14 years now

Amazingly they are still finishing up their last few credits for their Masters degree.
I think the age of the male has something to do with it. 40 to me equals a level of comfort and likely a more relaxed encounter.

I really like a well kept 40 and I do my best to remain well kept also. Seeing a 26 can be a lot of fun but for me I am less likely to repeat the thrill.

Crinkles around the eyes if they have come from laughter are sexy in my book.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
The 40 y/o has quit starring in her own movie (I hope - if not, one can tell by her posts).
discreetgent's Avatar
I have had the pleasure of spending time with ladies in their 20, 30s, 40s, and 50s; all had much to offer and I can't say I ever went away disappointed.

If I could only choose 2 gals from the above both were in their late 20s. (Ducking any incoming missiles)
As stated earlier, it depends on the mission. If I am just going for the orgasm the younger girls are fun. On the other hand (what a novel idea) the ability to carry a conversation is a much desired asset.(No pun their either)

As we gents age, the attractive qualities of more mature women surface to our observation and that will let Lil' Ferdinand dine heartily.

I would not use data from this board as the barometer of your 'sexiness', as men paying and men 'on the prowl' are quite different animals, si?
Originally Posted by Rudyard K
A 26 year old thinks she knows it all

A 40 year old woman thinks........., well who cares what a 40 year old woman thinks!

Originally Posted by WTF
LOL, I was waiting for the usual response, and those just cracked me up.

I guess just like everything else it is just a matter of prefferance.Some clients are going to feel more comfortable with one age range over another, and others just enjoy the variety of all.

I am starting to think that this whole maturity thing is a myth. I have known plenty of mature people in their 20's as well as plenty of people over 35 who have not quite gotten there yet. I do know that no matter how old I get I still feel like a ..............Lab puppy in a crowded room: who gets an idea that excites her, wagging my tail, obliviously knocking things over and annoying people around me

I am sorry the analogy was just too good .I had to recycle it
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-15-2010, 05:39 PM
I do know that no matter how old I get I still feel like a ..............Lab puppy in a crowded room: who gets an idea that excites her, wagging my tail, obliviously knocking things over and annoying people around me

I am sorry the analogy was just too good .I had to recycle it Originally Posted by Becky
You so funny girly-girl

And the good thing about funny is that it don't age! You hear that ladies?... funny never gets old. Have a good sense of humor, don't take yourself to seriously and you will stay at worst, the most mature forever young hottie pants to have ever walked the earth.