Why is it so hard to be on time?

oldmarine's Avatar
I set up an appointment with a well known provider for 3:00 pm. At around 12:40 pm I get a text requesting that we move the appointment to 2:00 pm and I agree. At 12:52 pm I get a text requesting that we move it to 2:30 and again I agree. I live close to her incall so at 1:55 I send a text asking for the exact location and she sends it to me minus the room number. No problem, that is standard procedure. At 2:23 pm I get a text saying she is running about 20 minutes late. By this time I am pulling into the hotel parking lot. There is a Starbucks nearby so I go there and get a cafe mocha and wait. At 3:03 pm I get a text saying she is finally in her room. Well, by this time I am pissed and on my way home. She tried to get me to come back but I was not in the mood anymore.

So to all of you providers here is the deal: If you are more than 10 minutes late you can forget about seeing me. I am so fucking tired of showing up on time and having to wait 20 or 30 minutes because you cannot manage your time. As far as I am concerned 10 minutes it too long but I will tolerate it most of the time.
daty/o's Avatar
I guess that lets Aleisha out. She is ALWAYS late. Trouble is, she is so worth the wait. I completely understand your frustration, though.
This is why I am always grateful that my first job was a waitress at a restaurant.
Being on time meant being 5-10 minutes early.
Walking in at the time of your scheduled shift was considered late.
A minute after and you were either sent home or thrown in to the worst section.

Obviously things happen, traffic.. Etc, out of our control... But check google maps. Look for any congestion. Give yourself ample time.

We are all on each other's time. While I would like to say, let's all just be more mindful of that.. Unfortunately people are either punctual or they are not.
aubie79's Avatar
I guess that lets Aleisha out. She is ALWAYS late. Trouble is, she is so worth the wait. I completely understand your frustration, though. Originally Posted by daty/o
Tried to find Aleisha on a search but nothing came up. Is that her user name...you've got me curious.
oldmarine's Avatar
Tried to find Aleisha on a search but nothing came up. Is that her user name...you've got me curious. Originally Posted by aubie79
Lets keep it on the subject please
FunInDFW's Avatar
Unfortunately for someone like me, my hobby time is very limited and falls within a window. So whenever 10-15 min delay happens, that prevents the hobbying for the entire day. So while it's understandable things happen, it's still disappointing. Mostly just because the appetite is insatiable and I'd like to have fun every day :lol

A one time thing doesn't get me in a tiff, even if it's a big time change. I'm more interested in how the provider handles the situation and the rescheduling. To me, says a lot about her.
Taurus99's Avatar
Sounds like at first, she didn't have an appointment at 2 and put you there. Then, either the guy before you went over or you just got bumped to 3 because one of her regulars called or she just found a better deal at 2. Good news is think of the money you saved. Unfortunately, this does happen. My advice is to just move on. There are plenty of other ladies to choose from.
aubie79's Avatar
Lets keep it on the subject please Originally Posted by oldmarine
OK...life in hobbyland.
Sounds like at first, she didn't have an appointment at 2 and put you there. Then, either the guy before you went over or you just got bumped to 3 because one of her regulars called or she just found a better deal at 2. Good news is think of the money you saved. Unfortunately, this does happen. My advice is to just move on. There are plenty of other ladies to choose from. Originally Posted by Taurus99
That was my thought as well. Sorry that happened to you. She handled your situation very poorly. Great thing about the metroplex is that there are a lot of ladies that will value and respect you and your time. Soldier on
oldmarine's Avatar
I forgot to explain that her reason for being late was that she was shopping at WalMart. Traffic had nothing to do with it. Poor planning, pure and simple.
I forgot to explain that her reason for being late was that she was shopping at WalMart. Traffic had nothing to do with it. Poor planning, pure and simple. Originally Posted by oldmarine
Sure, she was at Walmart just like my birth certificate says, "Alyssa."
Just follow what Kendall said.. This is supposed to be NSA fun.. Don't allow drama to happen and it won't.
Sorry that happened to you babe
aubie79, Here is Aleisha's Welcome post:

Being on time one of the big factors that separates the "escorts" from the "hookers".

A very simple method I use to avoid the flake factor is I tell them that at 10 minutes after, I am gone; and I stick to it.
Everyone's time is very important. And everyone has a schedule. I always say there are not enough hours in the day. All it takes is a simple text or phone call saying okay im running behind be there soon. I had a gentlemen running late today and he would text me okay 13 miles, 6 miles, 1 mile. And I was like wow that's so sweet. Time is precious lets not waste each others.
TexTushHog's Avatar
oldmarine, I agree with you 100%. I had an employee we fired for being chronically late. I told her plain and simple that the reason she was always late was that she didn't consider the job important enough. There is no other explanation. If you want to be on time, you can be on time 99.99% of the time.

In some professions -- medicine comes most readily to mind -- the unexpected events are important enough and the disparity between the value of the time of the two parties is significant enough that we tolerate chronic lateness, but this is NOT one of those professions.