Let's help each other out.... Who barters

herkyguy's Avatar
Are there any ladies here who are willing to barter for services...... Professional mechanic, legal, furniture, transportation, etc.

I'm sure there are a lot of people on this site who would be willing to trade one service for another rather than pay a hefty car repair, legal bill, or whatever the case may be.
I will venture to say, bartering does go on, but in most cases, the provider is either not reviewed or reviewed with her current donation rate put in as the fee paid. It would also depend upon for example, if she needed car repairs, are you the mechanic or do you pay a mechanic for her?
guest071618-1's Avatar
I this the funniest thing I have ever seen in eccie..... Ok, I start....any ladies barter for my dick? I will give u my dick every week for 1 hr for ur 1 hr service..
herkyguy's Avatar
Second funniest thing. First funniest is your command of the English language.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
How do I make this statement without sounding entitled or offensive, because some men and even some ladies have a different take on such things?

Ummmm......bartering is a controlled trade and receiving goods for my time is just not quite the same as receiving cold hard cash. Money ......is sexy, dirty and powerful. I love money almost as much as sharing my time, or maybe they are neck and neck at times. LOL Everyone loves money, no one says it though. It sounds greedy or something and we are taught it's in poor taste to discuss such things, and to some extent, I agree. If that makes me a gold digger, then hey, I'm a friggin' gold digger! I still feel it's no one's biz to ask or be concerned with another person's money, because of jealousy and envy and those trying to cheat others out of theirs or even opportunities to gather more.

It's very personal....this love for money. LOL But, I love money! I'd be lying if I indicated otherwise. I love spending time with gents too! Car repairs, furniture, etc...... are not quite the same thing, even if she decides to spend her precious money on what it is being bartered. There's just a "tit for tat" attitude I have in this biz. I have my time offered to gents for money, not food, clothes, car repairs, etc..... Some don't mind, but I finally figured out why I wouldn't like to and just say no thank you, and there it is. LOL Don't get me wrong, I can also have a good time with a gent without getting paid, but I can accept money without having a good time as well. LOL It's all good in the neighborhood. Ya know?
TheEccie214's Avatar
I'll grab the lowest hanging fruit...what will a gal give me for a broken trimmer?
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I'll grab the lowest hanging fruit...what will a gal give me for a broken trimmer? Originally Posted by TheEccie214

Now that! Was truly funny!
JuanBear4U's Avatar
Never really works out man. Trust me been there and done that.
Why can't we just keep it simple and pay with money like we are supposed to….so I can pay my own mechanic, lawn care, furniture, attorneys, etc. I love keeping it simple. :-)
Exactly. The value we might see in something isn't the value another person sees in it. This will inevitably come up. That's the reason money exists at all. It's value is certain and unquestionable.
  • grean
  • 07-30-2015, 02:26 PM
Bartering = Bad News Bears, brother.
Pay these hot sexy women and be happy.
Even if one offers, you will be far better off and more satisfied if you just paid their rate.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 07-30-2015, 04:21 PM
Barter can work if both parties agree, I have a trimmer and older premium kenwood home stereo system up for grabs....
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Barter can work if both parties agree, I have a trimmer and older premium kenwood home stereo system up for grabs.... Originally Posted by biglatinmale
No! No! No! LOL like this....

I got a squeeze box, AND a tight warm wet soft box that'll I'll let a gent fondle and even play with for an hour, and all I ask in return is 3 little pieces of paper, special made by our govt and with a pic of my fav Ben on each one, plus a hot stiff rod that I can handle, any way he likes.
Mavs fan's Avatar
I have done it and it always worked out until the last time. Last girl screwed me.
bojulay's Avatar
I have a bag of hair curlers that a gal left behind
in an apartment I rented on time.

I will trade it to one of the ladies for the suggestion
that I look elsewhere.