grapefruit blowjob

So, I just seen this and wonder how many would or have tried it? Food can be a fun thing to incorporate into play time. I wonder who will be my victim.
plove35's Avatar
Get the grapefruit, I will bring the cock
Get the grapefruit, I will bring the cock Originally Posted by plove35
Sounds like a blast! I love sucking cock
I'd rather do this with a cock sleeve/stroker.
I've got the cock.....You've seen it..I am game.
I have experienced this with my ATF, very enjoyable. A bit messy though. Highly recommended.
Awesome, what made it so great?
Duthgar1976's Avatar
i seen the video of this lady on youtube doing this on a dildo. She made the most discusting sound it truely made me think no thanks.

Besides my dick is too small for a grapefruit, maybe a tangerine instead.