fucking joke...

guest071618-1's Avatar
ok, i tried hold back but i decide to just let it out...

Yes, I do speak out what is in my mind in this forum. If that is careless, so be it. I do that in real world and I do that here. BUT I don't make up bull shits. just tell it as is. I guess bunch of dicks here hated that for some reason. oh well... I never been in chat or forum before eccie and I start to enjoy it until couple days ago when some people told me about some dicks who try to get me kicked out for being mean....really? hahaha, did i make you cry?

These dicks accused me of attacking clients and providers...hey, if I verbally (well not verbally but in typing) attacked you, it is probably because u made attack or accused me of something first... if not, well I hope I didn't offended you too much and i am sorry.

These dicks start group together and pming providers, not to see me and go as far as threatening the provider of their clientel and biz
pming clients, to gang up,,,

Really? are you fucking kidding me? if my money is not good to that provider cause of what I said here,,, oh well, i find me someone else...at least once that met me know how I treat them (hope as well as they like to be).. I treat them like ladies, not whole and make stupid threat.

Hey, dicks,,, if you have dick,,come out and defend or attack.. hurt me here as much as you want, if you can but don't be threatening providers..This maybe play ground for you but it is real world for them.

You are FUCKING JOKE...living in a world of eccie to earn respect and power of grouping....

(This is me,, just type without thinking and not try to be a pretty boy)
bored@home's Avatar
There there princess, it all gonna be alright, promise.

Sorry you got your feelings hurt on the enter-net brah

Seriously...who cares???
guest071618-1's Avatar
Why do u think I am hurt in anyway?? I am in DFW only 4-5 times a year.. Just who the fuck these/this dick(s) think they are to control influence providers and/or clients? Just gonna see if these dicks are man enough to speak their minds....or just be a little pussy and stay hidden.
Just a thought, have you given any thought as to what you might have said or done that would cause others to want to treat you this way?there are some real jerks here. But overall, most people react to other people behave
guest071618-1's Avatar
Just a thought, have you given any thought as to what you might have said or done that would cause others to want to treat you this way? Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Probably two thread I started
One about false reviews
One about provider reject me with excuse of me been overweight

Like I said, I was offensive only to once they were offensive to me or others,,,, I think
pmdelites's Avatar
and have you verified or really believe that what these "dicks" are alledgedly posting/sharing is anyway true??

and, as long as you are experiencing what you are looking for, wtf does it matter what others are alledgedly "saying"??

unless you have irrefutable evidence, i dont see any no sense or value in responding to them here. esp if you arent gonna name them (like guys complaining about some provder's alledged actions w/out naming her).
pmdelites's Avatar
oh btw, it helps if your posts are coherent and spell- & grammar-checked.
Name names man. Call them out or this is all for not.

pyramider's Avatar
He has got nothing, as usual.
guest071618-1's Avatar
oh btw, it helps if your posts are coherent and spell- & grammar-checked. Originally Posted by pmdelites
Sorry I can't write due to my education level and/or some foreigner from 3rd world country.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Can you summarize this in ten words or less? Im too stupid to decipher what you wrote. Make it easy for those of us with less than 100 iq please.
guest071618-1's Avatar
Name names man. Call them out or this is all for not.
Originally Posted by thathottnurse
I don't know who is pming shits... unless ladies give up names. I will never know,, just have ideas..
Put ur self in those ladies shoes, would u give up names of ur clients for me (guy who u saw once or twice and from out of town)?
bored@home's Avatar
Sorry I can't write due to my education level and/or some foreigner from 3rd world country. Originally Posted by eng
Blam!! it all makes tha perfecta sense now

Just f-ing with you dude.
The biggest take away is get off the cross, you are not so special that some "evil doers" are trying to tarnish your name with secret back room planning and meddling....or maybe they are...in which case cast a pity glance at the shadows and move on. You seem to be way to caught up in this make believe.
Stay gold pony boy

edit: one last, you start thread named "fucking joke", I think you owe us a fornication joke for the time.
jdkees's Avatar
And if anyone calls him 'Francis'...

black sunshine's Avatar
Is he having a bad reaction to his tin foil hat?