Its been a while.....

HoustonRiley's Avatar
Hi yall. I know I havent been up in a while, with covid going around I've tried to hobby as little as possibly. but i miss yall. Inbox me for new pics for some reason it's not uploading mine today.
Houston! Would love some pics from you! I believe I have seen you before, but it's been a long time and would love to reacquaint!
HoustonRiley's Avatar
Thank you.
HoustonRiley's Avatar
Having a blast!!!! I kind of want to step out tomorrow for cocktails.
HR..I sense sarcasm in that last post! Hope you are enjoying KC with all the "Kansas" guys that girls from other states are aware of and know our reputation...
HoustonRiley's Avatar
What are you talking about
Lol we dont know eschother how could you sense sarcasm. Lol you think im just here for 3 days doing nothing?? Clearly you havent read my reviews. I've had a wonderful time. And made the post incase anyone else might want to join for cocktails. Not at all being funny.

But what I'm confused about is why you're commenting on my post anyways. you commented here then you inbox me you didn't want to set an appointment but yet you keep commenting on my post?! for what?!.... and I'm in Kansas City Missouri. just so you know. the "Kansas guys" when I called you that was just that. Men like you that bug and bother on the boards for nothing or set appointments and dont show. Why are you bothering me? do you not have anything else to do. Bc I do. Have a good ine wierdo.
Don't be the guy that bothers harasses stacks and then trolls the comments.

Imagine coming to your own post soon as you wake up, to make sure you didn't leave anyone comments hanging. Just to find a guy that keeps reaching out to you for absolutly no reason. But to be a smart ass. And then call me sarcastic. Sounds like a mysoginyst to me.
HR..I sense sarcasm in that last post! Hope you are enjoying KC with all the "Kansas" guys that girls from other states are aware of and know our reputation... Originally Posted by bigkansas1
Coo Coo......seriously! I don't keep harassing you..never have. I don't bother you constantly by setting up appointments and then cancelling! Have no idea what you are talking about?! You posted on here last Friday that you would be in town, I saw your post and reached out. You responded you would be here Sunday and Monday. Was clearly too short notice for me to book (I don't see ladies on the weekend, and already busy on Monday), so I replied I couldn't see you and you totally flipped out on me! Saying you weren't holding your breath on an appointment and that Kansas guys have a rep with providers throughout the US that come to town. I wasn't disrespectful with you. I didn't waste your time. And on top of it all, you slammed me for seeing another provider here in town, calling the event "gross". Not sure what happened here, but I've never been treated like this from a provider in all of the time I have been in the hobby.