Whoa! I Wasn't Prepared for This! 39 Fucking Obama Acolytes Requested Mike Flynn's Unmasking!

lustylad's Avatar
I mean, isn't that overkill? Or piling on? Does everyone have to put their name on the list in order to confirm the identity of the guy (especially when it's already obvious who was talking to Kislyak)?

I'm just scratching my head trying to figure out how this works. Anyone who ever had a corporate or government desk job knows how memos plop into your in-box with a long circulation list attached. You read them (or maybe don't), cross your name off, and toss them into your out-box for your secretary to forward to the next person on the list. So... did the obama White House put an "unmasking requested" box on every wiretap transcript that could be checked by each recipient?

Seems pretty sloppy when it comes to safeguarding the privacy of American citizens who have Constitutional rights not to be eavesdropped on by the guvmint. I mean, 39 unmasking requests for one fucking convo? Are you fucking kidding me?

Now I understand why Samantha Powers was so flummoxed to hear that her name was attached to over 260 unmasking requests. Evidently, her chief of staff just checked the box automatically. Who's counting anyway? Better to be in the loop than out, right?

My first reaction upon hearing this was they must have been trying to dilute responsibility for spying on trump. I mean, if it's a gang of 39 you can't pin it on any one snooper, right? But don't worry folks, any snooping was done strictly "by the books"!

Yeah, this does seem sort of weird, doesn't it?

(With the following statements, I'm kidding, but maybe only half-kidding. Kinda, sorta!)

What if a few of these clowns were sitting around the table one day and someone mused about the following idea?

First, why not loose a fusillade of unmasking requests from all quarters, so as to deflect attention from the "big guy?" (Or guys.) Then no one can pin any sort of bullshit on one or two people, and the presstitutes in the mainstream media will ignore the whole mess, anyway. Sure, Fox News and the right-wing radio talkers will cover it nonstop, but no one who isn't a die-hard Trump fan watches or listens to them anyway, so who cares?

And, even better, this sets a trap for Republicans and Trump supporters, who surely will overreact and overplay their hand. Trump will launch an epic tweetstorm, but that will redound to the advantage of Democrats after the presstitudes finish a few days of coverage accusing Trump's allies of conducting a witch hunt.

Nadler seems to have launched into full-on indignity mode and is already out there doing things like threatening not to appropriate funds for the Justice Department. He surely is counting on all his favorite media hacks to give him and his allies a big-time assist.

Of course, if Durham actually starts indicting people, or at least forcing them to lawyer up, these fools will rue the day they decided not to simply refrain from checking boxes, touching a keypad, or doing whatever in the hell you do to initiate an "unmasking request!"

lustylad's Avatar
For anyone not familiar with the word...

"Presstitute is a term that references journalists and 'talking heads' in mainstream media who give biased and predetermined views misleadingly tailored to fit a particular partisan, financial or business agenda, thus neglecting the fundamental duty to report news impartially.[1][2][3] Coined by Gerald Celente, the word is a portmanteau of press and prostitute.[4]"

lustylad's Avatar
Of course, if Durham actually starts indicting people, or at least forcing them to lawyer up, these fools will rue the day they decided not to simply refrain from checking boxes, touching a keypad, or doing whatever in the hell you do to initiate an "unmasking request!" Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Since he has at least 39 people lined up, it shouldn't be that hard to get a few of them to flip!

(Cough, cough - Of course I'm not suggesting he should resort to any of the prosecutorial misconduct tools that Flynn's tormentors/Mueller's thugs routinely used!)
Jacuzzme's Avatar
A 4am raid with cnn in tow?
matchingmole's Avatar
Here’s what’s been unmasked: Donald Trump downplayed the coronavirus instead of listening to experts warning him to prepare the nation by securing enough masks and tests. As a direct result, 83K dead, 1M infected, and 20+ million people lost their jobs.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Here’s what’s been unmasked: Donald Trump downplayed the coronavirus instead of listening to experts warning him to prepare the nation by securing enough masks and tests. As a direct result, 83K dead, 1M infected, and 20+ million people lost their jobs. Originally Posted by matchingmole

you mean the experts like Fauci the fraud with his nose up Big Pharma's royalty ass who in late January said "it won't be a big deal in the US" then claimed 4 MILLION would die? but didn't. or do you mean some other "expert" named Dr. Fauci the Big Pharma fraud"?

i'm so confused. can u help me out, fellow poster?

lustylad's Avatar
you mean the experts like Fauci.... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
No, I think he means "experts" like Clapper and Brennan who told obama it would be A-OK to spy on the trump campaign as long as they did everything "by the book"!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No, I think he means "experts" like Clapper and Brennan who told obama it would be A-OK to spy on the trump campaign as long as they did everything "by the book"!

BAAAHAHAHAHA!! Originally Posted by lustylad

corrupt birds of a feather flock together

gfejunkie's Avatar
Sleepy creepy Joe is toast.


It's called "Abuse of power".
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Sleepy creepy Joe is toast.


It's called "Abuse of power". Originally Posted by gfejunkie
it looks like one of the realclearpolitics poster may have identified the flynn leaker.

There's a lot about Biden which deserves some scrutiny. His relationship with Eric Ciaramella would tell us a lot about the origins of the Ukrainian impeachment hoax. His participation in the Flynn persecution would make for interesting reading. However, not one person at ABC, CBS, CNN nor NBC has bothered to look into this. I just saw Bidens name on the list of Obama officials who unmasked Gen Flynn. It is hard to understand why most of them had any interest in this. However, my money on who leaked is on Elizabeth Sherwood. Her brother was Ben Sherwood, president of ABC News and we know someone in the White House in 2012 leaked illegally obtained IRS info about conservatives to ABC. I'm going with Sherwood. In any case, lets haul all of these people in and grill them, then the NSA can check all their electronic communications and see who committed perjury when they denied being the leaker.
Will the fat lady sing?

What if they turn the heat up on Loretta Lynch?

If that fat, stupid bitch were placed on a hot grill, the sizzling sounds would get very loud very quickly!

For anyone not familiar with the word...

"Presstitute is a term that references journalists and 'talking heads' in mainstream media who give biased and predetermined views misleadingly tailored to fit a particular partisan, financial or business agenda, thus neglecting the fundamental duty to report news impartially.[1][2][3] Coined by Gerald Celente, the word is a portmanteau of press and prostitute.[4]"

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presstitute Originally Posted by lustylad

Well, we wouldn't want to call our esteemed media myrmidons "media whores," would we?

In this genteel, polite, respectful forum, that would seem so gauche!

why did 39 suck-ups unmask General Flynn?

Obama wanted it so

that's just the way a scrofulous washington worked
bambino's Avatar
Sleepy creepy Joe is toast.


It's called "Abuse of power". Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Yeah, Lyen Biden! The Sargeant Shultz of candidates. I see nothing, I hear nothing!
Here’s what’s been unmasked: Donald Trump downplayed the coronavirus instead of listening to experts warning him to prepare the nation by securing enough masks and tests. As a direct result, 83K dead, 1M infected, and 20+ million people lost their jobs. Originally Posted by matchingmole
Would have been a much, much higher toll if he hadn't stopped flights out of China earlier than anyone else - back when the left called him a racist for doing it.

China lied, people died, the economy is fried.