
I searched the reviews and I'm pretty sure this is not the Leah that was popular a year or two ago. She was slow getting back to me, but I might TOFTT. I was really confused because when I tried to contact her I ended up seeing TheRealLayla who is someone different.

Please let me know if anyone has seen her or knows anything.
joyote's Avatar
from the photos & the 505 number…

I would say that it could be the Leah that I knew
It’s hard to say
She dropped in & out of contact, for awhile
then dropped out & stayed out

I don’t remember the tattoo
maybe someone else does

You say you are pretty sure
that it’s not her
What makes you so sure?
The pics in this old link from a year old review seem different than on the STG link. I tried the phone number from the old review and it's no longer in service. If Joyote says it could be her, I believe it, but it still seems like different women. Also, the old Leah posted on STG, but this new RealLeah posted on PD.
joyote's Avatar
these are the only old photos I found…


…and I am not even sure those were really her
though, certainly representative

I would love to learn that our Leah
is back in action, but
from what I see, so far,
I can’t say for sure
one way or the other
Well, this "Real" one doesn't seem to communicate, so it will be hard to find out. Moving on...
Plenty of Leah's out there but if it's the one who was in college then she's on hiatus. She pops up when she's in need of funds for an emergency. I still have her number but not sure if it's still active.
That is the same Leah who has brought pleasure to Abq for a number of years. I have a pic of her from July 2020 with the same tattoo.