Ashley is a bait-switch

Hey guys watch out for a that goes by Ashley her number is 214-349-1199. I called her and made an appt, for 8:30 pm and asked her if it was really her in the pic's she said yes and I asked her if she did bait and switch she said no that was really her in the pic's, so we set the appt for 8:30 at 8:45 pm I called and she said that she was near just got turned around, were was at when she told me it was only like 5 min's from me I then ask if she was going to be drop off and she said No. I said okay I waited and then at 9:00 pm I called her back and said this was not going to work, she said that she here and just walking up the street to come see me. I then said No this is not going to happen she was upset and said she it going to post me on her reviews for wasting her time to come out.. I said you wasted my time for not keeping the right appt time, and for lying to me about who you are, and about not being dropped off. Guy's be careful of this Girl
  • zebra
  • 02-07-2012, 10:16 PM
Can you clairify how it's bait & switch cause the way you describe it, it sounds like she never made it to your door ? Curious....

8:30 appt. and she's running 15-30 minutes behind schedule and you say no this is not going to happen ? Man you need to adjust you busy schedule for short commings like this or you'll never get laid!
How about a link to her ad
SirThomasTew's Avatar
Tiffany Friends appears to be a not so up and up agency after your hard earned dolla
TinEye like your wallet depends on it and you'll catch B&S artists and board owners like nobody's business.
Lunytunz's Avatar
Dude, how 'bout a period or a comma in there? Very hard to understand what really happened. So this lady was 15 minutes late and you refused to see her? From what I gleaned from the run on sentences was that you never really saw her as she did not even make it to your door! How is this a bait and switch?
I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed... but ... really????... I'm not understanding this at all.
Julius45 --- don't listen to these nitwits! Your post was entertaining albeit virtually impossible to follow! A real whodunit! I like a challenge and your posts, especially minus any punctuation marks, are just that! Keep up the good work!
brickmonster's Avatar
I thought all providers were 15 minutes late .. LOL . I have a special "provider clock" that has been adjusted so I always know when they will show up .
Once again, those are pictures of MidwestMelissa. Good for you. It was a scam.
ram.rod's Avatar
Wow. This one made my day. LMFAO!!!
brickmonster's Avatar
Bait & switch is so stupid ! Most of the girls who do this would make as much or more if they just use there real pictures . Even if they don't show a face they can still make great money with real pics . I for one will never see a girl who uses fake pics more than once and I am the kinda guy who will see a girl over and over again not based on looks so much but her attitude . If I like her personality I will never stop seeing her .
Bait & switch is so stupid ! Most of the girls who do this would make as much or more if they just use there real pictures . Even if they don't show a face they can still make great money with real pics . I for one will never see a girl who uses fake pics more than once and I am the kinda guy who will see a girl over and over again not based on looks so much but her attitude . If I like her personality I will never stop seeing her . Originally Posted by brickmonster
Very well said !
  • zebra
  • 02-08-2012, 06:06 PM

if you were in my tool shed I'd abuse you every day, now I would sharpen you after every use but gosh I'd abuse you.... in a good way of course......
Torito's Avatar
Moved from Alerts. Bait and switch is not a safety issue and not an alert.

LazurusLong's Avatar
Moved from Alerts. Bait and switch is not a safety issue and not an alert.

Torito Originally Posted by Torito
Shouldn't bait and switch be moved to the review forum?

I was told to create a thread in there for the worst bait and switch provider in Dallas so I did and the names and numbers she uses will show up there.