A Day For The Record Books

Today was a day like I've never had before. I had some things to take care of about 25 miles East of town so I headed out about 9:00am. About 10 miles out of town I noticed a car on the side of the road with the hood up. I like to think I am a friendly gentleman so I eased over behind the car and stopped. As I get out of my truck a rather attractive lady gets out of the drivers side and smiles at me. Then another attractive lady opens the passenger side door and swings her legs out but doesn't get out. She's not smiling so I ask the driver if they need any help.

The driver says her car went dead and won't start and ask if I would take a look at it. I ask her to try to start it while I watch and listen to the engine. She tries it and it turns over but won't start. I check a few things and discover it's not getting any fuel but there is fuel in the tank. I told her what the problem is and it'll have to be fixed in a shop, to much work to do on the side of the road. I told her she would have to get a wrecker or a trailer to put it on and haul it to the shop.

When the passenger heard this she got really pissed and twisted off on the driver. Apparently they live in Magnolia and the driver is having some fun in T town while her SO is working, at least that's what I deduced. She told the driver what time of day it was and said her (passenger's) husband would be mad if she wasn't home when he got off work. The driver said "well what do you think my old man is going to do".

I wasn't getting in the middle of this crap so I headed to my truck to leave. The driver came after me and ask me if I was headed to Magnolia? I told her no I wasn't going near that far. She then ask me if I could take them to Magnolia? I kind of laughed a little and told her I had things to do and driving them to Magnolia wasn't one of them. That's when things got wonderfully interesting.

She told me her and her friend REALLY had to get back home and she would do anything to get back there NOW. I again told her I had things to do and going to Magnolia wasn't even on my list. She looked me in my eyes and unbuttoned the top 3 buttons of her blouse and again says "I'll do anything for a ride". I thought damn I can't turn this down so I told her "show me and we'll see".

She leans in her car and grabs her "clutch" type purse, tells her friend to holler when she can't see us. She takes my hand and pulls me towards the woods. We go a little ways in the wood behind some bushes and her friend hollers. She strips from the waist up and from her waist to her ankles. She starts with a nice bbbj for a little bit then opens her purse takes out a condom and rolls it on me. She does a little cbj and stops and spits on the cover then turns around, bends over and says get ANYTHING you want. I ask her ANYTHING, she said yes ANYTHING. Needless to say I drove to Magnolia and back today.

I get back to town in time to pick up a young relative as he gets off the bus. He and I go to a local small store for some after school refreshments. His food request takes a bit to prepare so we step out of the way so a lady and her 4 off spring can pay for their purchase. Again I like to be polite to people especially attractive ladies. She corrals her crew and we talk for just a minute about her brood and both laugh. While we talk for that brief moment we look each other in the eyes and she has this "look" in her eyes. I have never laid eyes on her in my life but there was something in her look/eyes.

We made our purchase and got in my truck to leave. She was loading her crew in her vehicle along with an older lady I assumed was her mother. She looked at me again as we drove by leaving. On the way to my house, about 6 miles, I noticed she was behind me. I didn't think anything about it because it's a busy road way, until I pulled up at my house and she pulled in behind me and parked.

I got out of my truck and my companion went in my house to start on home work. She got out and met me at the back of my truck. I ask her if I could help her and in no uncertain terms she said yes. I am taking my crew to their grandmother's house and will be home alone. I said Hmmmm........ok so? She said with a slight grin on her face and that look in her eyes "I'd like to get to know you a little better, I think it would be interesting". I apologized but told her I had to keep an eye on my companion and I had work to do but thanks for the offer. She shrugs her shoulders and says ok maybe some other time. She was a decent looking lady, nothing to loose control over but no need to take the pillow case off the pillow either.

I have never had a day like this before in my life LOL. I'm an older bald headed guy that is well past his prime but to have a day like this sure did swell my head.....both of them. I hope you had as good a day as I did. I can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store for me .
Wow, some guys get all the luck it seems lol
Honestly it was the craziest day I've ever had, never in a million years would I ever expect something like this to happen, especially to me. Since I made the run to Magnolia I didn't get to do what I had planned to do yesterday. I had to go do it today and went right back by the same spot where I stopped yesterday and the car was gone. I don't know what all happened after I dropped them off but now every time I drive by there, which is quiet often, I will have a huge smile on my face.
Great memories are a wonderful thing.