What's the sweetest thing...

Miss Sophie Bella's Avatar
...that anyone in the hobby has done for you?

I'd consider myself an awfully blessed gal, both in my vanilla life and in the hobby realm. I've made wonderful friends and had some amazing experiences. But every once in a while someone does something so great that you've just got to share.

Last week I had this random dream that Ztonk made me lemon bars. We're both vegan and we both like to cook and so it wasn't entirely random. I texted him the next morning to tell him and he confessed he'd never had lemon bars. I had forgotten about the whole thing until he showed up at my door today with ones he'd baked last night from scratch! (He suggested next time I ought to dream that he bought me a Rolex.) It was just so incredibly cute and thoughtful that I had to embarrass him publicly.

What's the kindest/sweetest/funniest/most thoughtful gesture you've received from a hobby friend?
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
I got to my door once with a bag hooked on it. Several items and a toy Seseme Street character in it. that was a personal joke so I knew who. What fun.

A live gardenia.

many kind words that would make me blush to repeat but lifted my day.

Glad you got some lemon bars, that sounds like a dream come true.
sixxbach's Avatar
a provider bought me a birthday cake before my session on my birthday with "Happy Birthday Sixxbach" on it.............. very sweet...............
Hmmm...I would have to say for me it was an ipod. Me and the very nice guy were talking about working out and that if I had an ipod to work out with. So the next time we met he showed up with a cool neon green one and a cute card!
  • gpsss
  • 05-04-2010, 08:59 PM
...that anyone in the hobby has done for you?

I'd consider myself an awfully blessed gal, both in my vanilla life and in the hobby realm. I've made wonderful friends and had some amazing experiences. But every once in a while someone does something so great that you've just got to share.

Last week I had this random dream that Ztonk made me lemon bars. We're both vegan and we both like to cook and so it wasn't entirely random. I texted him the next morning to tell him and he confessed he'd never had lemon bars. I had forgotten about the whole thing until he showed up at my door today with ones he'd baked last night from scratch! (He suggested next time I ought to dream that he bought me a Rolex.) It was just so incredibly cute and thoughtful that I had to embarrass him publicly.

What's the kindest/sweetest/funniest/most thoughtful gesture you've received from a hobby friend? Originally Posted by Miss Sophie Bella
Yay for more vegans in the world! Totally awesome and a great story. How anyone could have missed the delicious treat that is lemon bars though is beyond me. That is a delicacy that should never be missed.
Ready2Rock's Avatar
One of my favorite ladies (now retired) invited me to spend three days with her in Las Vegas in 2006. She was a high-rollin' blackjack player and always had a complementary suite. All I had to do was get myself out there. The room and all meals were taken care of. The next year, I noticed a photo on her laptop and asked her where it was taken. She said Hawaii. Then, incredibly, she asked if I wanted to go with her later that year. I didn't have to think twice about that. The Hawaii trip never happened because of her sudden retirement. But, I'll always remember the offer. Even without the trip to LV and the Hawaii suggestion, she's the sweetest lady I've had the pleasure of meeting here.
I once had a provider gift me a session with one of her gorgeous girlfriends after she realized when I arrived for my appointment with her that she knew me in real life! It doesn't get any sweeter than that does it Sophie?
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
The sweetest thing? Gosh, I could go on and on, but I would say ONE of the sweetest things was the amount of help I got when I had to move my incall quickly in December. I received help moving out, help moving in, and help with the deposits and the proof of income. I would have to say it was a compilation of many sweet hobbiests to have made the transition so much easier. Thank you Frenchy, Levibob, SASpurfan, dammit, and one other hobbiest (handle unknown) who never even redeemed his short free session for helping me move into the new place (contact me dude, the offer is still good!). Is this a good place to mention the ladies who offered up place to let me host sessions? Thank you Genesis, Britney, Missi, and Devynn. It was a real honor to experience the combined efforts of many to help me out and right after the holidays. Thanks for posting this thread, Sophie.
I love you lots, TM. Without a shadow of a doubt you have been my closest provider friend and confidant. Much love, luck, fortune and happiness to you in the future. I guess my sweetest thing is your friendship and the friendship of others. You were one of the first friends I made and I graciously appreciate and thank you for all your kindness <3
During one of our visits, I found out one of my ATFs (now retired) is an artist. In a subsequent visit, I noticed an open folder with some of her artwork. I was tempted to pick it up and look through it, but I didn't. I'm a hack, but I understand how personal one's creations can be. A while later, she came in, noticed the folder, picked it up and put it away without comment. I was glad I didn't touch it.

The next time I saw her, I gave her a book: Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. She almost cried. Turns out it was a book she had wanted for years. She immediately started looking through it. Pointing out/explaining things to me. It was obvious she knew most of what was in the book, and, that she was very happy. She then put the book down, and went and got the folder with her artwork. Showed me all of it, even told me about the inspiration for some of the pieces.
Simply Alisha's Avatar
I, too, have been so blessed in this hobby.

One thing that really stands out, was from years ago. I collapsed a lung and was in the hospital for 4 days. (coincidentally, I collapsed it during a session).

I've always had a "contact person" from every board I have ever posted on, keyed into my personal phone. Main reason, it gave me someone to contact if something should/did go wrong with me. (ie medical, car accident, etc). This person would then take it upon themselves to post publicly the situation. That way, nobody thought I nc/ns, etc.

Anyways, I collapsed a lung, and contacted that person in my phone. She, in turn, posted on the board what had happened, and that I would be out of touch for a bit. I had given her my direct line number at the hospital, in order to reach me. And told her to feel free to give it to anyone who needed it to reach me. (standing appts, etc).

Suddenly, the phone rang....and it didn't stop ringing for 3 days!

It made me realize how many people truly cared about my well-being. And that this lifestyle has so many long-lasting bonds, beyond the obvious. And I have never forgotten how those folks made me feel. And many are still in contact with me today.

I guess 'sweet' can be defined by numerous things, but one UTR lady brings me leftovers from dinner she makes
and one very famous local Provider( retired now) used to come over to my house on Saturday mornings and give me free sessions,,,all I had to do was by lunch.. ( so I guess not free but far less than her 300 per hour price)
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Wow. I don't even know where to begin. I've been fortunate to be pampered, spoiled, and treated by many wonderful men in the hobby. I've recently been gifted with theater tickets, helicopter lessons, trapeze lessons, sports equipment, lingerie, shoes, clothes, handbags, sex toys, wine, chocolate, gift cards, silly putty, yo-yo's, the list goes on... Thank you!!!!

But here's one that really stands out. For about a month and a half last summer I was taking care of my mom's youngest children (under age 10). I love kids but all day with two kids is a bit much for me to handle, having never been a parent. A hobbyist who I call a friend sensed my exasperation and generously offered to pay for them to go to day camp. Having a few hours to my self every day was just what the doctor ordered! I don't know how you mothers do it.