Meet at Splendors?

BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
Many years ago, some old farts and young girls used to meet at Gold Cup on a regular basis. Wondering if any of those old farts (that are still breathing) might be interested in a little meetup at Splendors? Oddly, it's a happening club these days and I don't venture to far into Houston city limits (based on my lawyers recommendations). So Splendors works with a 100 yard dash to the county

Let me know. Some of you would be good to see again. Others, I can pretend really well


Mods - please move as required.
yes...I remember those days and your board...
BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 02-28-2013, 07:26 AM
I'm in for it, sir.

t_h, good to see you're still around too! :-)
Sugartastic's Avatar
I got nothing going on today, time?
blowpop's Avatar
It's been far too long, old friend. Excellent idea.
Thatguy4u's Avatar
Sounds fun. Not old but would like th sage advise
Ur_1_only's Avatar
Would like to meet some of you guys just to put a face w names.
Also any chance of Betty being there w some of her friends?
I'm 60 but enjoy the hobby time.
I'd love to go! When are we thinking? Sounds fun :-)
Since I was actually around when these used to go on , I would love to see some of the old crowd again...those were some fun times it would be great to connect with some of the original guys and meet some of the new ones also...count me in BNI ...
Juicebox Hero's Avatar
That is kind of up my way and I would like to to do some meet and greet. I was a semi-lurker/newbie in the last days of ASPD, so I really did not get in on these things. I'm full blown hobbiest now and really interested in meeting like minded people. PM me if anybody ever gets this coordinated.
Please be careful there; I had a friend get jammed up during a vice sweep through that club. No money exchanged hands, so poor chump thought he was getting a bj because the girl really liked him... Next thing you know, handcuffs, jail, the whole nine. Play smart, take it to a hotel.
Mr Willy's Avatar
Yeah I would like to put some faces with names too.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 03-02-2013, 09:34 AM
Wow! Talk about a thread that jumped the track!!!