Nobel Prize Winner Professor Luc Montagnier Says Vaccine Is Creating Variants

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Nobel Prize Winner Professor Luc Montagnier Says Vaccine Is Creating Variants

In this interview, he states that the mass vaccination program is an "enormous mistake" and a "medical error" because "it is clear that the new variants are created by antibody-mediated selection due to the vaccination."

In other words, a so-called "leaky vaccine" or a vaccine that lowers the chances of severe illness, but still allows for transmission of a virus, can create conditions that promote the evolution of more virulent pathogens.

For further reading here is a 2015 NIH-funded study that found "imperfect vaccination can enhance the transmission of highly virulent pathogens."

The chart below entitled "genomic epidemiology of novel coronavirus" shows the increase in mutations after the introduction of these leaky vaccines at the beginning of the year.

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adav8s28's Avatar
The remedy for this may be they (big pharma) will may have to use the traditional approach/method for making a vaccine for SARS CoV2 virus. Instead of using the mRNA concept, grow the virus and then deactivate it to make the Vaccine. The traditional way of growing a virus and then figureing out a way to deactivate it takes longer to make than the mRNA concept vaccines. You lose speed with the traditional way.
  • oeb11
  • 08-22-2021, 08:33 AM
it is possible that vaccination may select out resistant strains of virus.

That process is natural selection.

As a coronavirus - part of teh family of teh common cold - the virus likely has rapid mutaibility capabilities.
One of the reasons it is so difficult to vaccinate against the common cold.
if that is true - we may well face a very long battle against a rapidly changing /mutating Wuhan virus.

Thank U - comrade Xi

And - in a diffferent vein - the chiccom DPSTs such as 'r' will also thank Comrade Xi for teh opportunity to institute more economy shattering , controlling, lockdowns to enslave the peoples of America to the DPST Communist totalitarians Rule in perpetuity!