
VitaMan's Avatar
Russia is not just going to throw in the towel, give up, and go back to Russia.

Meantime, more and more powerful weapons are being sent to arm Ukrainian forces.

What is the ending going to be ?
bambino's Avatar
Go there and find out.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by VitaMan
eccieuser9500's Avatar
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Russia is not just going to throw in the towel, give up, and go back to Russia.

Meantime, more and more powerful weapons are being sent to arm Ukrainian forces.

What is the ending going to be ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
... Sleepy Joe - the Deep State puppet - is gonna
walk the country right into a war with Russia.

... Come September or October... you'll see.

He's DESTROYED the country... Sky-High prices on EVERYTHING.
And he will go down in American history as the WORST President.

Biden's almost half-way thru his time.
Do you see things getting better - or worse??

### Salty
HedonistForever's Avatar
Russia is not just going to throw in the towel, give up, and go back to Russia.

Meantime, more and more powerful weapons are being sent to arm Ukrainian forces.

What is the ending going to be ? Originally Posted by VitaMan

Lots of voices over the last few days after our President hints? at regime change in Russia and calling Putin a war criminal, I agree he is and now the political voices are calling for declaring Russia a state sponsor of terror. All things I happen to agree with to a point.

Yes I want to see Russia humiliated but not to the point of "destroying the Russia army forever" as some voices are now saying.

So what do you do if you are Putin and you can see that your entire army could be lost if NATO goes full blown war and you have only days or weeks to decide if you will watch your entire Army be destroyed and your country invaded AGAIN, or you use one or more of those 6,000 nuclear warheads to slow down if not stop the total destruction of your Army which of course will also be your death.

I have the feeling Putin is not going to let his Army be destroyed which is why I would recommend that American officials and military officials stop talking about"destroying his Army". A degraded Russian Army is a good thing. Stale mate could be the best we could hope for. A defeated, destroyed Russia Army, not such a good idea. I sure hope these boys know what they are doing.
VitaMan's Avatar
1 point Bambino...added nothing and a troll response

3 points TWK...visual well done

0 points Salty...main idea was to get in a Biden rant, as he is doing with almost every post. Not even on topic.
Ripmany's Avatar
All the gramama pussey running away so who going give a fuck. May gay rape..
Arms manufacturers in US and Russia will continue to rake in the dough using Ukraine as an infomercial / proving ground for new killing toys.
Russia will gain control of the Dunbas , possibly as far as the Dnieper then back off and regroup, much like with the Crimea. Controlling the industrial areas and natural gas fields in the area will allow them to get their strength back up, economically and militarily.
Things will cool off for a few years until the next time a Democrat administration comes in then , Russia will advance again. possibly into Georgia or some other former USSR state that's not in NATO.
Nations such as China and India as well as many nations in the Middle East and Africa, being tired of US/European hegemony, will line up more with Russia in a new international order.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Lots of voices over the last few days after our President hints? at regime change in Russia and calling Putin a war criminal, I agree he is and now the political voices are calling for declaring Russia a state sponsor of terror. All things I happen to agree with to a point.

Yes I want to see Russia humiliated but not to the point of "destroying the Russia army forever" as some voices are now saying.

So what do you do if you are Putin and you can see that your entire army could be lost if NATO goes full blown war and you have only days or weeks to decide if you will watch your entire Army be destroyed and your country invaded AGAIN, or you use one or more of those 6,000 nuclear warheads to slow down if not stop the total destruction of your Army which of course will also be your death.

I have the feeling Putin is not going to let his Army be destroyed which is why I would recommend that American officials and military officials stop talking about"destroying his Army". A degraded Russian Army is a good thing. Stale mate could be the best we could hope for. A defeated, destroyed Russia Army, not such a good idea. I sure hope these boys know what they are doing. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
theres a general out there saying he prefers a "weakened" russian army in that they can't really do much. meaning strong enough to defend itself, but not strong enough to attack another country.
VitaMan's Avatar
The Vietnam conflict was fought over communist ideology. Russia and USA did not want to fight each other, so they used Vietnam as a proxy fight.

Is the same situation developing in Ukraine ?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I find it sickingly funny that people thought that Trump was going to get us into a war with Russia (despite the fact that they also said that he was a puppet of Putin). Military people violated their oaths, administration people leaked, and media celebrities demagogued. Now we have a guy that more and more people are recognizing that Biden is trying to drag us into a war or some sort with Russia and those same people are whistling and looking away.
VitaMan's Avatar
It is just the focus at the moment. If it wasn't this, then it would be Arab terrorism or something else. Biden isn't trying to drag us into a war, despite Barleys expert opinion.
If you listen to only the Russian side, the war is totally justified because of NATO’s encroachment into historically Eastern European demographics.

The West believes that in truth, Russia is simply a Thugocracy wanting to annex Ukraine into a permanent state of subjugation because they are a huge breadbasket in food and resources.

I think Russia did make a huge miss calculation. Perhaps they thought it would be over quickly. Now, I think they just might settle for what they can get and declare victory,

Now, the West is going have to foot the bill to rebuild Ukraine. Putin and his Crony’s might be laughing.