One of The Best Features

...of a woman is her smile. Does anyone else agree? A genuine and sincere smile is an expression of the soul and is effortlessly sexy! Here are just a few of our eccie ladies that I think of gorgeous smiles:

Daphne Love of Houston:

Alyssa Nicole of Dallas:

Do you have any photos to share of our lovely ladies with even lovlier smiles? I'll be posting more soon. *This is not a ranking thread, so lets not try to assign people numbers.*

I can't help but smile when I saw their smiles! Nice pics! I have to say I think Sexy Roxanne and Sensual Sophia have great smiles. Sorry but I do not know how to post pics in threads, Genuisman would you be kind enough to post their pics for me? I appreciate it!
Texasquest's Avatar
Nothing makes a Woman look more Gorgeous than a Genuine SMILE !!!
Whispers's Avatar
on a woman is her ass... Sorry But we are not going to agree on this one either.......

For me a gal has to have it happening between the navel and the knees....

Specifically what I look for is that diamond shape gap rather perfectly displayed behind when a woman stands with her feet together......

hereAttachment 36786

and here Attachment 36787

And with the right Eyes i seldom want to do anything other than stare into them..... while doing other things of course......

Attachment 36788 Attachment 36789
Thank you Maxeen! Kisses
I do not have any face shots of Dee, but she has a great big huge beautiful smile that makes everyone just want to smile! Maxeen, you have these eyes that one could get lost in forever. Wicked Heather, has has a wicked ass nice smile that makes her eyes just light up! Gosh I could really go on and on about lots of ladies!
We hobby so we don't have to look a woman in the eyes when we speak, these times the breasts get my attention, lol.
I love sarah smiles smile lol.
  • 02-05-2011, 09:24 PM
Smiles are nice, but the eyes keep my attention.
knotty man's Avatar
i gotta agree with you marley. shes got a beautiful smile. and i love that slight southern accent. hope life is treating her right
  • Paven
  • 02-06-2011, 07:08 AM
I love a man with smiling eyes!
I agree Paven, I my self am a sucker for eyes and a great smile doesnt hurt either.
DRorchia's Avatar
One more reason to keep things light and upbeat. More smiles to go around!
austinkboy's Avatar
My favorite smile... not professionally taken, Sweet_Baby_Jazz

austinkboy's Avatar
This silhouette just makes my imagination just go wild and my heart go "pitter, patter". Karlie, my ATF: