Sluggish Kindle Fire

I access Eccie with a variety of devices including desktop PC, laptop, I-Phone, and Kindle Fire. All log in and work well except the Kindle. Everything is sluggish, slow and error prone. The login boxes frequently don't come on. Changing pages, either forward or back, is very slow. Paging back reverts the screen view to the top of the page, requiring much paging and resizing to return to the starting point. Is there a Kindle specific app or a setting that will make Kindle Fire behave, or are Kindles just inherently less powerful than say an I-Phone? The Kindle screen is just right for me, much better than I-Phone when I am accessing remotely, but the performance sucks. This poor performance for me is unique to the Eccie site.
jbravo_123's Avatar
The browser you're using on it likely matters. I use Maxathon, but I don't normally browse much on my Kindle (I generally like Apple products more).
Dorian Gray's Avatar
OBringer's Avatar

I don't have a Kindle of any kind, but as an Android user, I got fed up with Chrome's sluggish performance on my phone (sad, because it rocks on a PC). Anyway, I discovered Dolphin's web browser, and it is now the only browser I use on my phone. Give it a shot and check out the link below.

ftime's Avatar
  • ftime
  • 06-14-2013, 10:27 AM
+1 on Dolphin. Don't need to "root" anything.
thehighlander's Avatar
Quick fix is to completely shut down your pad
Then reboot after a min or two

It clears memory holes that occur as you keep using
The device. Its also advisable to reboot your phone once
A day. Android and iPhone (more so on android)