Online Personalities

As we all know this board has many different personalities which is a way we get a sense of how someone is like but does it reality? I know for my personally I am the same online as I am in person and for the most part I get a lot of positive feedback and comments and sometimes I get negative feedback. Which is to be expected. I also know some come off one way and are totally different. So what are thoughts? I am not sure if I am I making my question clear if not please feel free to add....
whitechocolate's Avatar
Irish Vixen, good question. I also feel I come across the way I would in person. I would think that there will be all sorts of pseudo personalities who can be anyone they desire and say what they want and it might change from thread to thread so anything and everything will be game online.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Board personas are just that... board personas. I know a lot of men that are assholes here on the board but really sweet in person. I don't know why that is. Maybe it's just for entertainment value. I, for one, have been told by a few how "bitchy", "snobby", "self righteous" I am here on eccie but my friends / people that know me and have met me in person would say otherwise. So some people are just like their board personas and some aren't. You just never know who's behind the screen until you talk to them on the phone, meet them face to fact.. etc.
shorty's Avatar
Very good post Naomi!! I'm for one have the same personality in real life!!
I am the same in real life, however I understand not to judge others by their online personas, so I keep an open mind. I don't have a DNS list based on what gentleman have posted, I know some girls do.
JoanJet's Avatar
That's so true I have to meet some of them.
I've said in the past that I'm really nice in person even though I might come across as an a$$ on the Board. The retort was that it was easy to say. Well, that's true.

I don't think we ever know whether or not someone's online persona is the same as their RL personality.

I know that from what I read online, I have developed preferences for some ladies. I don't have an ATF because I never see anyone on a regular basis. But I have developed some "preferences" in who I would like to see based on their online personas.

Unfortunately, I'm rarely able to exercise those preferences b/c travel doesn't take me anywhere near them.
DallasRain's Avatar
great post!!

I am pretty much the same in real life as I am in the hobby life.................I even use the name Dallas sometimes!
JohnMacnab's Avatar
Same on discussion forums as in person. There is only one personality. It's always a good idea to think twice or maybe three times before hitting the 'SUBMIT REPLY' button. Same for sending emails.
  • LynnT
  • 05-14-2011, 07:46 PM
Im the same in the real world.

I tend to think what you see on the board/net is more true to their character.

You can hide behind a fake name and be who you really are.. lots of people dont have the balls to say to ones face and would on the net.
PAPA JOE's Avatar
good question , sweety. i'm just plain ol' me, on or off the boards.
  • Paven
  • 05-14-2011, 08:01 PM
I am consistently myself in real life and on the boards as well.
DallasRain's Avatar
i can vouch for that
good question , sweety. i'm just plain ol' me, on or off the boards. Originally Posted by PAPA JOE
CarolinaGent's Avatar
I'd like to think I come across the same online as in person.