Testing 1..2..3.......

I picked up on a thread on Indys about STD testing. Someone recommended a web site called www.tstd.org for anonymous testing for sexually transmitted diseases. I have been hobbying for many years and have to confess there has been a time or two when common sense was superseded by caught-in-the-moment lust. So I went to this web site to see what it is all about.

Bottom line is that if you have any concerns at all about the possibility of having an STD, this is the place to go. For $199.00 I was tested at a local lab for Chladymia, Gonorrhea, Syphillis, HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Herpes type I (oral) and Herpes type II (gential). I receive the results in 48 hours (ALL negative ty ty ty).

Making the appointment was very simple. In fact I made the appointment for less than two hours after I first went on the site. At no time did I have to provide my actual name or any form of ID, phone number etc.. I used a VISA gift card to pay and used my "hobby" e-mail addy for contact info. About the only thing they cannot test for is HPV and to my knowledge there is no test for this in males.

I guess all I am saying is that peace of mind is very nice and easy to obtain if you have any concerns at all.
Doris day's Avatar
You can also get tested for any and all of that for free at the health department. By law they have to be confidential, and Ive never had a problem showing my id when they ask so I dont know if they would still see someone if they dont have id. BTW- all negs on me as well.
You can also get tested for any and all of that for free at the health department. By law they have to be confidential, and Ive never had a problem showing my id when they ask so I dont know if they would still see someone if they dont have id. BTW- all negs on me as well. Originally Posted by Doris day
Never used the health department, but heard good things. Only drawback is there's a lot of riff raff in waiting room. I've used tstd.org maybe 3x in my life. Very good service.
First, congrats to Deb and Tuck. The VA has started routine testing at quarterly followup appts. if you care to. They are not mandatory. They do all of the blood tests (syphilis, HIV, hepatitis, etc.) routinely but I believe will only do the urine and swab related tests (Chlamydia and gonorrhea, etc.) if you have symptoms.
Doris day's Avatar
Yes, their does tend to be some riff-raff, lol. But i get there early and keep my head in a book
Never used the health department, but heard good things. Only drawback is there's a lot of riff raff in waiting room. I've used tstd.org maybe 3x in my life. Very good service. Originally Posted by wesmantooth
That waiting room is a great place to meet that new someone special...and with the Arby's in such close proximity it all adds up to first date magic!
My urologist says that he can grab any random guy off the street and 80% of them will have chlamydia. It literally can lay dormant for years and then spring its ugly head for no reason.