Encounter: Selina at Daycation

User ID: N/A
Date: 6/10/2024
Name: Selina
Phone: 3153261288
Email Address: N/A
URL / Website: -
City: Syracuse
State: New York
Address: Route 57
Activities: Massage +
Hair Length and Color: Medium length. Asian black.
Age: late 20s early 30s?
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Selina is a pretty hot number IMHO. Pretty face, tall, thin waist, nice hips, sweet ass, and nice long legs. Just what I look for in a provider pretty much. Above average for Syracuse.
Recommendation: BIG Yes!
Great review there! Tall Asian with big tits (MM or not) really pretty AND a great ass?? I’d be falling in love and asking her to marry my old ass! Lol



Nice review!
She’s awesome such a passionate woman
How tall do you fellas figure she is? I know “tall” doesn’t always mean much when it cums to Asian women lol. But, like 5’7”? 5’10”?
  • clmc
  • 06-16-2024, 07:08 PM
Nice hope she rotates to Buffalo.
I'd say 5'7"
I'd say 5'7" Originally Posted by heavenlysparrow
I concur.
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I’d say 5-5 or 5-6. She is slender so it makes her look taller. She is amazing in every way you will never find a better overall package. I’ve seen prettier and better body’s. But no one else with her personality.
A threesome!? You have to explain that! Was Weila in on it?
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