Trump is already POTUS!

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"I think that a lot of Trump's critics are suffering from Obsessive Trump Disorder," he said. "There's a fear out there that he might actually be successful."

POTD.....Pussified Obsessive Trump Disorder

If you have POTD you get a coloring book and a comfort pet!
"I think that a lot of Trump's critics are suffering from Obsessive Trump Disorder," he said. "There's a fear out there that he might actually be successful."

POTD.....Pussified Obsessive Trump Disorder

If you have POTD you get a coloring book and a comfort pet! Originally Posted by LexusLover
The Liberal/Socialist/Progressive/Democrat whiners are trying to circle the wagons, but the are doing it on the edge of a Clift.

They need to adhere to that old adage......"the first thing you need to do when you decide to get out of the hole is to quit digging"
LexusLover's Avatar
The Liberal/Socialist/Progressive/Democrat whiners are trying to circle the wagons, .... Originally Posted by Jackie S
What wagons? All they got left is a couple of old hags.

Well, three if you count LIZZIE!