Shooter outside the White House

Budman's Avatar
So the other day Trump was doing a press conference when the SS notified him of a potential shooter outside the White House. He listens to them and follows their directions. No panic at all. When he returns a few minutes later he thanks the SS for their fine work.

This got me to thinking how HRC would have handled this situation. I think she would have compared it to the time she had to dodge sniper fire and then criticized the SS for allowing this to happen. She would have fire the agent for using excessive force on the suspect.

Thank God for President Trump. The next 4 years should will make the lefties kill themselves.
Lapdog's Avatar
Anyway, like I was saying, crow is the fruit of the skies....
lustylad's Avatar
Anyway, like I was saying, crow is the fruit of the skies.... Originally Posted by Lapdog
Have another helping!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Have another helping!! Originally Posted by lustylad

ah the days of the Wild Wild West .. such good times. my speedy parody. lol

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
It was a peaceful protester
Lapdog's Avatar
Have another helping!! Originally Posted by lustylad

That's all you have, yesterday's box score. The past is what you gloat about because the past is all you have. The times, they are a'changing.