Democrats lose control of the House - see ya Pelosi

Sen. Harry Reid (NV) may or may not win, power went out in a portion of Las Vegas so the totals are not in yet....but Fox News just stated that the Republicans took control of the House of Representatives.

that means, Pelosi will no longer be Speaker of the House come January!
Bless their hearts.........DO let the door hit'em on the ass on the way out!!
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
won't miss Pelosi but the R's need to know they have just one, small chance to cut spending and cut taxes. IF they lose that thought this time, there will NOT be a republican party after the next election.
Good luck with that. It'll be two more years of obstruction and do-nothingness, while they try (and ultimately fail) to figure out a way to prevent Obama from being re-elected in 2012. Policies and our own-well being are not even going to be a close second. Actually, this is the best thing that could have happened to Obama. Now he can hold them to task and show the American people just how useless the GOP really is.
rCoder's Avatar
It would be sweet if the Rs did what the people elected them to do, but don't hold your breath. About the only difference between the Rs and Ds is how the plunder is divvied up.
KosherCowboy's Avatar
Change we can believe in
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nuglet's Avatar
it'll be interesting to see what happens. No more excuses PUT UP OR SHUT UP... I don't think you'll see any difference. the whole group is just a bag of snakes.
Actually, it's going to be a referendum on BOTH parties. If they don't get spending under control, they will throw out both parties again in 11/2012. 2012 may be the perfect storm for viable third party candidates.
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
It would be sweet if the Rs did what the people elected them to do, but don't hold your breath. About the only difference between the Rs and Ds is how the plunder is divvied up. Originally Posted by rCoder
so true! follow the money, always works.

Good luck with that. It'll be two more years of obstruction and do-nothingness, Originally Posted by F-Sharp
this would be a blessing to the USA, do nothing... like the Constitution says you CAN'T! that would be GREAT! Leave it to the States or better yet to my local County so I can go to that guy's office and pound on his desk about right or wrong.

Actually, it's going to be a referendum on BOTH parties. If they don't get spending under control, they will throw out both parties again in 11/2012. 2012 may be the perfect storm for viable third party candidates. Originally Posted by BigGerman
that would be great too!

it'll be interesting to see what happens. No more excuses PUT UP OR SHUT UP... I don't think you'll see any difference. the whole group is just a bag of snakes. Originally Posted by nuglet
These are politicians we are talking about, yes a group of snakes! it is PUT UP OR SHUT UP! Contact your representative, whoever he/she is, tell them what you (the WE THE PEOPLE) think. Hold their feet to the fire and tell them to leave you enough money to hobby on. YEAH! You earn it, you keep it. What a novel idea! If they take more than 10% you are a slave! I don't care what party it is, less taxes, less spending. let us take care of ourselves. right?
Seriously? You're ok with corporate banks running this country in to the ground? You're ok with lenders betting and profiting from inflated mortagages? You're ok with insurance company monopolies and telling you they wont treat you and your pre-existing condition because it's not cost effective? You're ok with your children being unable to have health insurance because they are too old to be on your policy, and too young to afford their own? You're ok with the millions of dollars out-of-state corporations pump in to state elections to support whatever cause they happen to support, religious or otherwise? You're ok with state and local authorities determining who can be oppressed and who can't based on nationality or sexual preferences? Who's office you think you're going to go pounding on Dear? I hope you get the government you deserve.

this would be a blessing to the USA, do nothing... like the Constitution says you CAN'T! that would be GREAT! Leave it to the States or better yet to my local County so I can go to that guy's office and pound on his desk about right or wrong.
Originally Posted by Dagny D.E.W.
Budman's Avatar
Seriously? You're ok with corporate banks running this country in to the ground? You're ok with lenders betting and profiting from inflated mortagages? You're ok with insurance company monopolies and telling you they wont treat you and your pre-existing condition because it's not cost effective? You're ok with your children being unable to have health insurance because they are too old to be on your policy, and too young to afford their own? You're ok with the millions of dollars out-of-state corporations pump in to state elections to support whatever cause they happen to support, religious or otherwise? You're ok with state and local authorities determining who can be oppressed and who can't based on nationality or sexual preferences? Who's office you think you're going to go pounding on Dear? I hope you get the government you deserve. Originally Posted by F-Sharp

You OK with the Federal Goverment spending billons of our tax dollars on "Shovel ready jobs". Oh wait a second, there is no such thing as a shovel ready job. You OK with this bunch of fucking crooks buying GM and then giving the fucking unions ownership over the legitimate debt holders who were left out in the cold. You OK with the fucking lies Obama kept telling that ObamaCare would not ad a single dime to the national debt. You OK with the lies about how you will get to keep your current health care plan if you wish. Anybody that is not wearing blinders knows this is bullshit. You OK with the lies of how he was not going to raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000 per year and how that number changed monthly. You OK with that bitch Pelosi's statement of how we need to pass this bill so we can find out what's in it. You OK with the Feds sueing Arizona over immagration law when they refuse to do their job of protecting our borders. You OK with the Illinois governor selling Obama's vacated senate seat. This adminstration will go down in history as the worst and most corrupt bunch ever. You OK with Barney Frank and Chris Dodd claiming that they had nothing to do with the collapse of Freddie and Fannie. You OK with Obama appointing an unprecedented number of Czars that are accountable to no one but Obama.
nuglet's Avatar
aww c'mon Budman. There no reason to hold back just cause it's us guys.. Tell me how ya really feel....
Budman's Avatar
What's up Nuglet?

I don't trust any politician. Hopefully this new group of congressmen and senators will do what they said while running.
Actually yes, you misinformed Fox News brainwashed fool of a human being.

First, apparently you've forgotten why those "billions of dollars" needed to be spent in the first place. And guess what? It worked. We were teetering on the very edge of another Great Depression by the time Obama took office and we are now recovering. Guess what else? It will take far more than two years to undo what those Bush Administration numbskulls left behind. I do agree that there are no such thing as "shovel ready jobs", and much of that money was not used as it should have been, but no one can deny it did what it was supposed to do.

As for GM and the other automakers that needed a handout. Those prehistoric car making failures would be completely out of business if it wasn't for that money. Be greatful those companies, and the jobs they provide still exist. As far as I am concerned, they should have been left to fold. More proof that Obama is actually a conservative Republican at heart.

The Healthcare initiative will indeed not add a single dime to the national debt. It's sole purpose is a reduction in deficit and in fact, the CBO has estimated a net reduction of $8 Billion in ten years. Not sure what lies or propaganda you are attempting to pass along here, but maybe you can tell us who in this country so far has been unable to keep their current heathcare? Most of the provisions wont even take affect for another few years. You apparently are the only one with blinders on about this bill. No, it's not perfect, but it's a start.

To date, no one making under $250,000 a year has seen a single penny of federal taxe hikes. Since you apparently were not paying attention, that stimulus package you mentioned above also contained $282 Billion dollars in tax cuts. That's right numbnuts, 40% of that stimulus package was tax cuts for you and me. That's also the biggest tax cuts given to the middle class in all of U.S. history.

Arizona's "law" is nothing but a ploy implemented a bunch of racist hillbillies and clearly targets Mexicans. It has nothing to do with immigration, nor does it have anything to do with the Feds "not doing their job". The border issues in Arizona are a law enforcement issue. The real problem Arizona has is an incompetent and under-funded law enforcement problem, all due to a completely incomptent governor. Our borders don't need "protecting". It's nothing more that a symptom of the real problems, ie: our willingness to provide jobs, healthcare, and education to anyone that wants to come here. Immigration reform has been attempted numerous times in the last 20 years, guess who's shot it down each and everytime? You guessed it, the GOP. I hope Arizona does get sued and eventually goes bankrupt for attempting to pass such asinine legislation that is a such a blatant violation of the 4th Ammendment.

The rest of your idiotic claims are nothing more that regurgiation of Glenn Beck, or perhpas Rush Limbaugh and are not even worthy of a formal response. Now, if you would please...either go pull your head out of your Tea Partying ass, or go crawl back under the Fox News conspiracy theory rock from which you came.

You OK with the Federal Goverment spending billons of our tax dollars on "Shovel ready jobs". Oh wait a second, there is no such thing as a shovel ready job. You OK with this bunch of fucking crooks buying GM and then giving the fucking unions ownership over the legitimate debt holders who were left out in the cold. You OK with the fucking lies Obama kept telling that ObamaCare would not ad a single dime to the national debt. You OK with the lies about how you will get to keep your current health care plan if you wish. Anybody that is not wearing blinders knows this is bullshit. You OK with the lies of how he was not going to raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000 per year and how that number changed monthly. You OK with that bitch Pelosi's statement of how we need to pass this bill so we can find out what's in it. You OK with the Feds sueing Arizona over immagration law when they refuse to do their job of protecting our borders. You OK with the Illinois governor selling Obama's vacated senate seat. This adminstration will go down in history as the worst and most corrupt bunch ever. You OK with Barney Frank and Chris Dodd claiming that they had nothing to do with the collapse of Freddie and Fannie. You OK with Obama appointing an unprecedented number of Czars that are accountable to no one but Obama. Originally Posted by Budman
derek303's Avatar
Then I guess most people are "Fox Misinformed briawashed fools." The election sure showed it. Fox News more than doubled CNN and MSNBC coverage put together. I think Fox has 7.5 million viewers and CNN had 2.4Mil. and MSNBC ( the most liberal) had 1.7 Mil. The 1st 2 years of this administration was a joke! Maybe Obama will right his ship now that he doesn't have the house and the senate. This election was a mass murder on the Democrats.