SA meet-ups

I’m very new to the hobby, but recently I dipped my toe into SA and have been very surprised at the initial reaction I’ve received. And that makes me skeptical (it’s the pessimist in me).

I’ve had two women offer out-calls for $$. Seems too good to be true, which is why I’m skeptical.

Any advice for a newb?
Read the reviews of the sections containing the activity you're most interested in participating. Some of the more established providers also accept appointments from those with less experience. A lot of ads are from people who want your money without actually visiting (think deposits, though not all who ask for a deposit will take the money and run). Write a review. Build credibility.
150 Proof. SA can be a mixed bag. There are ladies on there that understand what we are after and are willing to provide it.

There are also lots of scams. Women wanting you to buy pics first, send them money to pay for a sitter or Uber before you meet, etc. just be careful and never give money first. I also find a lot of them are using old pics of themself. I’d recommend a public meeting first before having them over. Just like any other situation play it smart and don’t let the little head make the decisions
I had great success on SA. I always do a public meeting first. I know this doesn't work for everyone. It will allow both of you to get comfortable and set the expectations. There are gold diggers but with a little work you will find what you are looking for. I had a girl I saw for 3 yrs and another for about the same time. The one was an Asian girl and I will never be the same. A true nympho.
Sa isn't whay it use to be The quality of women is a lot lower But i still see 4 at least once a month that i have known for years. If you can find the right compatibility mix its definitely worth it
katherynlust's Avatar
I haven't been on SA for a while and I think the name changed, but I'm in town and open to meeting/ going to dinner etc etc
Not quite clear what you are asking. If those rates sound too good to be true?

Possibly. You’ve received some pretty good guidance already except for the usual “support” amounts. I haven’t tried it here yet but in my experience, rare to get all the way first date, more of a longer term thing. I’d be wary of the one and dones. Make sure expectations between you two are 100% clear. You are helping with bills, etc. not paying for a service. Arrangements you prefer are x times per week and you’d like to physical, just dinners, whatever you both want out of this. Many times though it can be like actual dating, just depends on what all you are offering them.
Aight, I guess I'm a prude or sheltered.... SA ??????
Flstc08's Avatar
Seeking arrangements
Apparently ppm has been outlawed in texting on SA. I just got a warning when I tried to use it in a text to someone on there. Never had any issues using the term until this morning.
Yeah Duraman! I think of Siri all the time! Wish I knew how she was doing?
Did Suri have a lot of tattoos?
No she didn't