reviews! Let's get this straight

burkalini's Avatar
Hey gang there has been a lot of words on my reviews lately. I just want to set the record straight. They are always as honest as I can make them. I am very active in the hobby so I take the reviews seriously as I know I look at them before I make up my mind to see a provider. I have never worked for or given a review to someone thats not the real truth. I do know that not all providers react to us the the same. That is they do more or less and charge more or less than somone previously. It's a crapshoot sometimes. If you look at all my reviews you can see I run into the same stuff you all do. The way we can make it work is to give honest reviews and hope for the best. I have received hundreds of emails from hobbiest asking my opinion on someone. Lets take care of each other not not run each other down. We will all end up getting better providers that way
John Bull's Avatar
Please do not post messages in the review area. The review area is for reviews and comments on those reviews. Nothing else, no matter how well intentioned.