Crisis - shortage of providers in Dallas

We have a crisis on our hands in Dallas. We currently have a shortage of providers. We need more. We all need to put our thinking caps on and figure out ways to recruit more providers to Dallas. Any thoughts or ideas????

FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!!!
SLUTS UNITED!!!!!!!!!!!
As of this minute, P411 says:

Providers Online: * 459
Provider Listings: 12,238
New Providers: 617
Clients Online: 738
Client Members: 34,428
New Clients: 302
Available now 14

ECCIE Members: 309,279

knowledge is power
Ashi's Avatar
  • Ashi
  • 09-05-2015, 11:33 AM
Nice stats.
And this probably does not include the AMP space where the competition is fierce... and there are new girls every month , you cannot keep up ... ( Pun intended ...). Most of the AMP, maybe except Rainbow, are complaining the traffic is kinda slow ... Market dynamics at work...
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Dude, you ought to try Fort Worth these days.

This thought probably deserves its own thread, but I have long thought that there must be plenty of women out there who would be open to the prospect of providing -- it's just not something they've thought of. Or, of they've thought of it, they've done so in the absence of any real knowledge of how to screen, mitigate risk, remain UTR, manage volume, not be controlled by pimps, etc. I remain convinced that, approached properly, by a guy without any ulterior motives, there are plenty of girls, especially those who might be interested in part-time job that made them, say, $500 (two appointments) a week who, upon reflection, would think, "I can do that. Tell me more." It's reaching them that I haven't figured out how to do.
A shortage of providers? Well, if you are picky about who you see (which is a good thing), AND are a hit it and leave it type of hobbyist who does not repeat with the same providers, I guess you can say that. If you did that in any other area, your hobby days will be over after a few years with that philosophy!

Maybe troll the WW or contact the known pimped providers (you are actually contacting the pimp), and ask that pimp to contact you when he brings a newbie in his fold.
plove35's Avatar
The real crisis is my shortage of funds to see providers..
daty/o's Avatar
If those stats are accurate, there are still over 500 I've yet to see. Perhaps a little delayed gratification would help. Maybe if you cut down to say, one a day, you wouldn't run through them so quickly. Fuck ya!!!!!.
LMAO, I'm just fucking with all of you. The responses are awesome though. Made me laugh.


FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!!
SLUTS UNITED!!!!!!!!!!!
LMAO, I'm just fucking with all of you. The responses are awesome though. Made me laugh.


FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!!
SLUTS UNITED!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by daaaaaman
i guess there could be a shortage for you, with all the reviews you have, it looks like you fucked them all already. time to start over. lol
Invisible1's Avatar
Daaaaaman, I was with a beautiful lady the other day who has been with you 4 times. She calmly suggested that the number of different providers you have seen is probably greater than the number of different guys most providers in Dallas have seen. (Probably a true fun fact). I think she was alluding to the fact that there are plenty of providers in Dallas.....AND that there needs to be more guys in Dallas who see providers.

Have a great Labor Day weekend.
I'm sitting here with cash in hand....
I'm sitting here with cash in hand.... Originally Posted by nicholas linnear
Youu have cash, and I have ass lol

I'm ready to bounce my ass and see you throw that cash(;
KaitlynDior's Avatar
I'm sitting here with cash in hand.... Originally Posted by nicholas linnear
I'm sitting here hot and bothered and ready to get myself in some trouble... maybe we can help each other out?

Originally Posted by slubby
He is the top Eccie Reviewer that pretty impressive
Ashi's Avatar
  • Ashi
  • 09-05-2015, 05:06 PM
I'm sitting here hot and bothered and ready to get myself in some trouble... maybe we can help each other out?

He is the top Eccie Reviewer that pretty impressive Originally Posted by KaitlynDior
Is being the top reviewer a good thing? Is there an aura of glory and respect with it?

Some of my best experiences do not get a review... Sometimes I am being asked for one if business is tight for the provider and I oblige. But in general I do not get an itch to write a review.... At first when joining I had to write some, in order to getsome "street credit", but not anymore...

Just asking....