Mangina - Man With Real Pussy

I have several wonderful friends I've met since joining ECCIE. One in particular I have the privilege of exploring all aspects of sexuality, without editing or judgement. Which is rare for me. We can and do talk about everything. Then try things we find, in our sessions that have left us both out of breath and in puddles on my mat!

Anyway, he forwarded this to me today...

I have to admit, I took a double take and it blew my mind. I of course was aware of MTF transexualls and have a few as clients. I have never seen a post op photo, much less on porn, featuring a Mangina. I don't know if it's how the reconstructed penis looks, the mechanics, his obvious masculinity vs having a vagina or the dichotomy of it all that I find fascinating.

All I could think about was a desire I have to give this man a fully thorough prostate massage. I would love to watch him orgasm, then see his cum flow out of his Mangina... I'm interested in all kinds of orgasms, and have seen (caused?) full throated orgasms, that exhaust me from the intensity and my clients ultimate release alone. I think a session with him would be an extra special treat!

PS. I'm envious he can still pee standing up!

It's extremely intriguing.... I wanna touch it, and maybe a handful of other things as well!
I can't stop staring... I love the chest hair, but once you get down below, I feel I'd like the pictures better if I could see his chest. So mentally, I know I'm looking at a dude and not some really hairy chick! This is a very interesting find
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Gosh, all of that hair that he has is so damn sexy. I just LOVE hair!

But it's so weird that he's still able to orgasm as in an orgasm like a man? And he can urinate standing up?

Damn. I would adore getting my hands on that hunk a hunk of man. He sure is hot.

Not sure what I would do with him once I got my hands on him, though.

Thanks for sharing!
Maybe that's it. He's very masculine, and that always gets my attention... But there's also the courage to alter his body to fit the image he had of it in his own minds eye. I would not only like to get my hands on his body, run my fingers over his chest, give him a prostate massage, but have a long conversation over a few good bottles of wine.