I am annoyed and tired of the whole cougar scene

The_Leopard's Avatar
Me being a young guy (born in the year 1980 and still going), I am getting tired of the cougars basically.

I am grew less attractive to a few of them because of the reasons,

They have a son or daughter or even both of the same or each. They are maybe in their early to mid 20's and I really hate to deal with a 22 year old girl or a 25 year old guy, or even two 24 year old girls would really give me the shivers seen those two looking at me dating their mother while I am like 10 or 5 years away from their age or maybe 12 years if some of them are like 18 or 19 year old adults.

Secondly, I have a attraction to women my age that are like 28-32 years old. I usually aim for those girls, but they do not see guys their own age. So, what happens. A lady past maybe 35 (let's just say she is 43 or 45 years old) comes up and tries to talk to me and is really desperate. I am not a desperate, but I am picky and I do not do anything that looks like excess baggage. Or let's say, single 47 year old mother with two daughters. Or maybe a 54 year old mother with sons that are 6 years away from my age. I'd say they are 25 or 27 year old boys while I am freaking 30 close to 31 years old by next year and then having to deal with some 20 something boy that...damn...I just hate those odds. Excess baggage. Single, Separated, or even divorced. I have no time to hear about your dead beat husband or some other ex that doesn't have to deal with me or whatever it falls beyond.

And finally, I am tired of the catching the prey stuff. You will catch me. I am damage goods honey. You do not want me. I been through shit in my early 20's and now, 10 years later, it's over. I don't want to be some 20 year old's daddy or whatever I feel that makes me a little uncomfortable.

I just feel this way because I see it a lot with the early 30's guys or the late 20's guys, but to me, dating a 48 year old lady while I am 30 years old and she has for example once again a 20 year old son(s) or daughter(s) and once again feeling totally uncomfortable because I feel that they are adults and I would feel they would disapprove their mother dating someone as old as them or 10 years apart from them.


So, to all the 28 to 32 year old girls, please see us. We make you laugh.
Mature Companion's Avatar
You're still young. You've got a lot to learn about women & what women really want!
And instead of complaining about the older women you're chasing. Go chase someone your own age.
You're still young. You've got a lot to learn about women & what women really want!
And instead of complaining about the older women you're chasing. Go chase someone your own age. Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
@ Leopard

Holy shit...it's raining, snowing and hailing all at the same time.......or I have gone delusional, in this case I'm going to agree with Wicked Milf, you have no idea what you are going to learn over the next several years as you get older and with a little help wiser. One day you are going to wake up and say "What the fuck was I even thinking about?"

It's sort of like the moment that you finally realized that your parnets weren't so dumb after all, and at 30 if you have not realized that yet...wow you do have an awaking coming.....

Good luck Lep.....its all about learning, and once you think you know it all, you find out that you still have more to learn.
The_Leopard's Avatar
@ Leopard

Holy shit...it's raining, snowing and hailing all at the same time.......or I have gone delusional, in this case I'm going to agree with Wicked Milf, you have no idea what you are going to learn over the next several years as you get older and with a little help wiser. One day you are going to wake up and say "What the fuck was I even thinking about?"

It's sort of like the moment that you finally realized that your parnets weren't so dumb after all, and at 30 if you have not realized that yet...wow you do have an awaking coming.....

Good luck Lep.....its all about learning, and once you think you know it all, you find out that you still have more to learn. Originally Posted by Woody of TX
Parents. I apologize for being the grammar police.

My mother and father died years ago. 1998 and 2004 respectfully. I am celebrating my deceased mother's birthday on November 14th with movie night and calling my sister all day to grab some memories.

Same with my dad during his birthday in the summer of June 29th.

I have learned a bit. I want to learn about these girls my age. But I am strongly trying to understand why they are so "ride or die" all the time. I do not like the "ride or die" scene at all because some of it is influence by Lil Kim (I don't like Lil Kim at all) and I want to understand them more.

I am not some dumb young guy like the other ones (which I really hate dumb air head dudes who are 25-30 because they give me a bad name), but I understand that there are too many goals in life. I for one want to be a cartoonist and went back to school for it because business school wasn't cutting it for me. That was one of my goals. I look for another goal as in, "No Paris Hilton aboard."

I learn every step of the day and see all these babies who are shy. I say hi to a few and some will hesitate to say hi. All I do is live my life and forget what happens regularly. But, sometimes you just get annoyed of a few things that falls on your back.

I am the type the guy who doesn't like drama or excess baggage in my life because I want a void in my life to fill it by different means and not someone else's damage or leftovers. I want my own life. And I will find it as I follow the road.

I might find who I am somehow. I just need to know more. I want to know more. I want to learn. I love to learn.
Mature Companion's Avatar
That takes time.
Give yourself 5 years to mature as a man & you might find that women will surprise you in ways you've never expected. And you might amaze yourself as you grow older. Where you may view women in a different light than when you were younger.
You live & learn one day at a time. Through your own adventures and experiences. Enjoy the journey!

I might find who I am somehow. I just need to know more. I want to know more. I want to learn. I love to learn. Originally Posted by The_Leopard
Thanks for the reply Leopard, and the correction on "Parents", I was just typing a way and did not catch my mis-spelling. My due respect to you on your lost in 1998 and 2004, I lost my first dad at young age of 24, my mother still lives at the age of 84, still kicking ass and never losing a step, she remarried after her lost of her first husband a couple of years later, thou I was a grown man, I came to accept her second husband as a mentor and inspiration at becoming a better man and person, as far as I was concerned I was lucky to have two dads.

I am sure that you are not dumb, thou in your post here it personally did not reflect that you had a real clue on what life has to give, your post more less sounded more at the moment of a young child still needing attention. I do not meant that in a disrespectful way, just as I saw it.

I learn every step of the day and see all these babies who are shy. I say hi to a few and some will hesitate to say hi. All I do is live my life and forget what happens regularly. But, sometimes you just get annoyed of a few things that falls on your back.

I am the type the guy who doesn't like drama or excess baggage in my life because I want a void in my life to fill it by different means and not someone else's damage or leftovers. I want my own life. And I will find it as I follow the road.
That is what most of us want as well, now if you take that in, accept it and actually learn from it, you will be quite surprised how that void of yours will be filled. It takes time, and constant learning, some are faster at learning such things, some are not...which might be the case of the others that you are talking about.

Good luck....take it one day at a time....

WM cheers to you!
Don't throw stones in a glass house.

Incorrect- I have a attraction to women my age...

Correct- I have an attraction to women my age...

Thehardcase's Avatar
Uh, bro, I'm just a couple years older than you, and I can't count how many single ladies I've been out with since the beginning of this year, in this town.

All of them have been between the ages of 26 & 37, with 1 20 year old & 1 46 year old.

Like you, I'm being picky, which is why I am still single.

I don't quite understand your post though - are you saying that most women our age won't give you the time of day, while older women will? But you're frustrated because older women come with too much baggage, related to the age difference?

Think about it for a second - lots of people of our generation got married in their twenties. Those that didn't are feeling pressure to do so. Or, if they did and are now single (like moi), they've got a divorce on their record, possibly with little kids.

I have a few rules when it comes to dating - I date within my means, I don't date too far away in age (aside from the 20 year old - she's HOT), and I don't date anyone more than twice if I don't think its going to go anywhere. I've had no difficulty getting dates using a couple of online dating sites - hell, since moving from Houston, the action here in Austin is 100x better.

And for those periods where I want to take a break from dating, when I question what I really want in a relationship, I come back here, and enjoy the temporary company of a few of our lovely ladies. Its the best of both worlds.
Baloney Pony's Avatar
Howdy, Folks!

See cpi3000's Sig Line:

"I can do middle-aged scary crazy chicks for free; no thank you. - 78704"

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Beagle's Avatar
@Leopard, What was your motivation for starting this thread? Was it for venting or did you want to get a better perspective on how others felt about cougars?
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The_Leopard's Avatar
Uh, bro, I'm just a couple years older than you, and I can't count how many single ladies I've been out with since the beginning of this year, in this town.

All of them have been between the ages of 26 & 37, with 1 20 year old & 1 46 year old.

Like you, I'm being picky, which is why I am still single.

I don't quite understand your post though - are you saying that most women our age won't give you the time of day, while older women will? But you're frustrated because older women come with too much baggage, related to the age difference?

Think about it for a second - lots of people of our generation got married in their twenties. Those that didn't are feeling pressure to do so. Or, if they did and are now single (like moi), they've got a divorce on their record, possibly with little kids.

I have a few rules when it comes to dating - I date within my means, I don't date too far away in age (aside from the 20 year old - she's HOT), and I don't date anyone more than twice if I don't think its going to go anywhere. I've had no difficulty getting dates using a couple of online dating sites - hell, since moving from Houston, the action here in Austin is 100x better.

And for those periods where I want to take a break from dating, when I question what I really want in a relationship, I come back here, and enjoy the temporary company of a few of our lovely ladies. Its the best of both worlds. Originally Posted by Thehardcase
I understand that part.

What I am getting at is that one of the reasons I got tired of this scene is because I do not want to deal with the 20 something son that is an arise or what not.

I had a friend date a 46 year old lady until her 22 year old son had to ruin it and then the fist started flying.

I heard of that and I say, nevermind to that.

I don't like girls under 25 much. They are not matured until they are 25.

I think I been to other places besides Austin which have better dating scenes before. I rather date long distance than dating close by at all. Less drama and more relaxation.
About the whole offspring thing, nowadays that might filter ur choices A WHOLE lot, noticed a lot of women being single moms these days, so u might have to suck it up&accept pseudo daddy figure/presence or your cutting out a large pool of personalities; the male's financial stability & future hope/prospect for a career/comfortable life retirement would seem to be a BIG thing for attracting a Woman of [big qoutes] a/some "Character"

But what do I really know? I'm younger than you XX, LoL; kinda would seem like what I'd want if I was in their shoes (woman).

Feel free to give me any hints pointers too older guys/ ladies out there