The trumpys like to distort things. They are unable to see dividing/boundary lines. The trumpys believe their own projections
Many claim "liberals" are glad the economy and associated items went down the tube and the COVID-19 virus happened. Considering that since all Americans are affected, only trumpys think 55-65% of Americans would trash our country to spite trump. He's a dick, that much is true. But he isn't that big a dick. Figuratively or literally.
Yes, we're all in the shit together. But some of us get to smile and feel no reason to apologize because we can smile. We didn't cause this and we're working to help dig us out. And smiling while we do it.
This is just Political Schadenfreude. And this is the other side of trump winning the election and the damage he has done to our country. His victims are the truth, numerous government depts. are filled with, not only incompetent but actively hostile acting chiefs, an active assault on the press, he demands personal loyalty above the US and the Constitution, etc. There's no point in providing a detailed list beyond this because most on this site won't admit trump is the same lying prick he's been for 40 years.
The major difference between the 2 sides is the pandemic came from outside this country and the other from inside our country from a guy who watches more TV than most Americans, plays a shitload of golf, spends a huge amount of taxpayer's money going to his country club, and who spends his time at "I love me" rallies.