London Rayne

Whatever happened to London Rayne ? If you all recall about 10 yrs ago she is an infamous Stalker with multiple handles that was well known for writing her own reviews and then having her manhandles all chime in. Staff Edit She was banned off most sites including eccie .

She is known for blackmailing guys and sabotaging ladies by writing fake reviews as well as threatening ladies to take down their ads . She actually went as far as telling me that she was going to send fliers to my kid’s private school to exploit me and them . I have proof and documentation of all events .

I heard from several guys on eccie and gentleman who have been in the hobby say she has reincarnated and goes by a different name.

Me and several providers have had similar things happen in the last year that point she is alive and well . She is notorious for writing fake reviews to make herself look good while writing reviews of others that are less than stellar .

Any information would be great after all keeping our community safe for everyone is the upmost importance.
holmes50's Avatar
That’s a name I hoped to never hear again. Always stayed clear of her.
llubder's Avatar
Wasn't she the one that was built like Sponge Bob Squire paints?
If you google her name a couple of ads come up. Apparently she goes by KELLAN BROOKS also.
Didn't she get caught with a senator? Supposedly her child is his. I don't want to get sued or killed, so I can't say for certain, but I remember some London being in the press with a politician long time ago.

I'd guess she is getting mad child support to keep quiet and not have to turn tricks for 20 years.
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 03-31-2023, 07:25 AM
Hmm I think she’s still roaming the boards as we speak writing fake ass reviews sending fake ass appointment requests under another name. Attempting to use her hater energy to intimidate and play stupid ass games. Is it working? Nah I’m still good over here try again. Used all their might and still unsuccessful must suck real bad to be them. I already have some information on who it is also. Just sad and pathetic honestly. Can’t relate…
(Staff edit The Dr)
I wish her well .
annie@christophers's Avatar
No you don't silly.
However taunting her will surely raise her head. J.s
JJWALKER70801's Avatar
JJWALKER70801's Avatar
myren1900's Avatar
Stella Originally Posted by JJWALKER70801
What Stella are you referring to?
It certainly cannot be Stella associated with Libertine Liaison.

JJWALKER70801's Avatar
The Stella that faked her own death in here back around 2012
juan2fork's Avatar
Never met her and feel pretty good about it. While none of us is perfect, I make every effort to avoid toxic.
annie@christophers's Avatar
THATS funny!

Xxoo annie
annie@christophers's Avatar
Kudos to STELLA! J.S