bloomie giving the dems the shits

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

polling pundits expect bloomie to go 3rd place in polls passing bootiegay.

and they (dem candidates) are having a shit attack.

Blomoie is not in any of the debates mainly because of a DNC rule that candidates must accept donations.

Bloomie refuses to accept donations.

One of them said there better be a debate scheduled with bloomie in it before march.
He is everywhere.

I bring up a YouTube video, and there is a Bloomberg ad.

How ironic can it be when the Party of OAC, Lizzy Warren, and Bernie could possibly be put in the position of nominating Bloomberg.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup with ALL is lies ,,, he's the big gulp killer
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
DNC is under pressure to change the rules to allow bloomie to join the debates.

yeah, he's everywhere.. he's throwing money away like candy.