Calling Eric Holder: Hate crime in progress

JD Barleycorn's Avatar

White Marine veteran beaten (along with buddy) by several black men because he was white. Another Mississippi hate crime that demands federal investigation. So far this is only an aggravated assault charge to the locals.

Remember Dillion Taylor
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar

White Marine veteran beaten (along with buddy) by several black men because he was white. Another Mississippi hate crime that demands federal investigation. So far this is only an aggravated assault charge to the locals.

Remember Dillion Taylor Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
"No safe place for whites"
At least another brother warned him. Those of you who say multiculturalism is a strength can speak up now.
Sorry guys. Eric Holder will never acknowledge this as a hate crime or anything his office should be involved with. Holder is simply not a full service Attorney General.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Holder should be in prison.