Games and Prizes

What are some fun ideas for games to promote sessions?

I was reminded earlier today of a provider who used to have various prices on pieces of paper in a hat. The hobbyist would pull out a piece of paper to find his price for the date. (She had a range listed so he knew to come prepared to pay the higher amount if need be).

There's a lottery going on right now for a lucky hobbyist to end up with the entire pool of money to spend on a date.

I'm considering having a "Secret word" to whisper at the next social and award a discount to hobbyists who book with the secret word.

What are some other playful ideas?
Peanut's Avatar
Do like restaurants…place a business card in a fish bowl and have a drawing for a free session or discounted session. And of course the more the client visits the more chances he would have to get his card drawn out of the bowl.
motocrossman39's Avatar
Do like restaurants…place a business card in a fish bowl and have a drawing for a free session or discounted session. And of course the more the client visits the more chances he would have to get his card drawn out of the bowl. Originally Posted by Peanut

Wow, neat thought, remember folks, sometimes it is just about the marketing and advertising....sell the sizzle....
I don't know about using actual business cards, but I hear that two providers are currently doing a similar drawing of names of gentlemen who've seen them in the last month.

I guess such a drawing would have to take place in private.

Any other ideas?