Japan info

I will be moving to Japan soon and was wondering about the scene there. Any info (avg. rates, places and the like) that isn't already posted would be appreciated. Please Pm me with the info as i may have some specific local questions.
Meiji's Avatar
  • Meiji
  • 03-13-2012, 02:20 AM
I know Japan fairly well having travelled there and hobbies there a few times. There's not really an 'average', since so much of it depends on what town you are located in, what sort of service you want, and who you are (i.e., do you speak (any) Japanese, are you east Asian or non-Asian, etc).

Be forewarned, Japan is pretty difficult for non-Japanese to hobby in, but it can be done, and due to the economy over the last several years from my reading and experience it's gotten slightly easier (but not really cheaper).

-If you know zero Japanese, and aren't located in Tokyo or Osaka (or a few other major cities), you are very likely SOL. You'll have better luck finding a sugarbaby civvie (just be careful if you are married- gossip is big in Japan).
-If you are non-Asian, know zero or a little Japanese and live in Tokyo or Osaka, there's a few options for foreigners, but most aren't very cheap -- Asian Mystique, which is the main outcall place that caters to foreigners, starts at Y28,000/hr, although additional hours are much cheaper.
-If you are east Asian and speak very good Japanese, you will likely be treated as Japanese and the sky is the limit, although it's still not cheap.

Please feel free to PM me if you have specific questions.