Just so I understand

oilfieldace's Avatar
Some of you discard the following

Joe Biden states on tape he withheld the billion dollars of taxpayer dollars from Ukraine if they didn’t fire the prosecutor going after Burisma, son of a bitch 6 hours later they did that according to Joes boastful admission. Soon after , Joe and Hunter received 5 mil each from Ukraine?

Hunter on another bribery scheme with the Chinese bragged that his father was sitting next to him. The non corrupt in the DOJ wanted to use GPS data to see if Joe was actually sitting beside Hunter at that time. They were told not no, BUT HELL NO!

Weiss gave Hunter the heads up on upcoming searches by the FBI. IN YOUR MINDS IS THAT LEGIT?

The above is facts . Yet some contend Joe isn’t implicated. Do y’all know how many of their 4th amendment rights the FBI broke in the quest of the 1/6 mob?
winn dixie's Avatar
Democrats would have us believe that all of these whistleblowers and others who have given sworn testimony concerning the Biden family misdeeds are just lying.
... And Weiss is the same fellow who had that sweetheart plea
deal all ready for Hunter... And now that the Judge surely
shot that down - Weiss tells AG Garland to name him the
Special Council to "investigate" the Biden corruption.

All Weiss (and Garland) has done to this point
is PROTECT the Biden family. ... And will continue to do so.

True law and order is GONE in this country.
Replaced with a Ruling Regime that has perverted the law
to serve its-own ends and attack political opponents.

... Just so you understand.

#### Salty
oilfieldace's Avatar
... And Weiss is the same fellow who had that sweetheart plea
deal all ready for Hunter... And now that the Judge surely
shot that down - Weiss tells AG Garland to name him the
Special Council to "investigate" the Biden corruption.

All Weiss (and Garland) has done to this point
is PROTECT the Biden family. ... And will continue to do so.

True law and order is GONE in this country.
Replaced with a Ruling Regime that has perverted the law
to serve its-own ends and attack political opponents.

... Just so you understand.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
What’s truly scary is the DOJ IS DOING THESE CORRUPT DEEDS ON NATIONAL TV IN THE BROAD DAYLIGHT. AND STILL THERE ARE THOSE THAT CANT CONNECT THE DOTS AND ARE FULLY IGNORANT TO THE BIG PICTURE. What Nixon did was insignificant when compared to what has already been shown of the Biden Crime Family and corrupt actors in his DOJ.
DNinja69's Avatar
I would argue that a mob looking to hang a sitting VP is more of a threat than a dysfunctional son of a President pulling all the illegal bullshit Hunter Biden has but the fact is our legal system works one way for regular people and another way for those in power.

Trump should have been calling for arrests and Justice but no he cling to the 'boo hoo they stole the election' so people feel some justification in wanting to overlook Jan 6 as some overblown ice cream social that got a little rowdy at the end.

Fact is neither Biden or Trump are currently qualified to hold the office of President based on their misdeeds and failures. No argument from me that Trump was by far a better President. No way in my mind to forgive his transgressions following the election but if the alternative is Biden I can't wait to see that buffoon gone from politics.

The end game here will just continue to piss off Trump supporters as Hunter is likely getting a pardon down the road anyway and if convicted of anything serious Trump is probably going to get one as well.

I am not surprised by either situation but I continue to be curious why more people are willing to suspend their notion of Justice just because the focus is on someone they support. I mean pot. Meet kettle.

Either we want the law to be upheld or not. I pick the side of Freeedom, Justice, and accountability.
I would argue that a mob looking to hang a sitting VP is more of a threat than a dysfunctional son of a President pulling all the illegal bullshit Hunter Biden has but the fact is our legal system works one way for regular people and another way for those in power.

Trump should have been calling for arrests and Justice but no he cling to the 'boo hoo they stole the election' so people feel some justification in wanting to overlook Jan 6 as some overblown ice cream social that got a little rowdy at the end.

Fact is neither Biden or Trump are currently qualified to hold the office of President based on their misdeeds and failures. No argument from me that Trump was by far a better President. No way in my mind to forgive his transgressions following the election but if the alternative is Biden I can't wait to see that buffoon gone from politics.

The end game here will just continue to piss off Trump supporters as Hunter is likely getting a pardon down the road anyway and if convicted of anything serious Trump is probably going to get one as well.

I am not surprised by either situation but I continue to be curious why more people are willing to suspend their notion of Justice just because the focus is on someone they support. I mean pot. Meet kettle.

Either we want the law to be upheld or not. I pick the side of Freeedom, Justice, and accountability. Originally Posted by DNinja69
Well that's obviously true. It's been up in our face multiple times so there is no denying it. With that being said America is not the "Free" Country we think it is. If our leaders can skirt the Law and trample the Constitution and avoid accountability and we can't then Liberty and Freedom is just a mirage.
  • Tiny
  • 08-13-2023, 11:23 AM
Some of you discard the following

Joe Biden states on tape he withheld the billion dollars of taxpayer dollars from Ukraine if they didn’t fire the prosecutor going after Burisma, son of a bitch 6 hours later they did that according to Joes boastful admission. Soon after , Joe and Hunter received 5 mil each from Ukraine?

Hunter on another bribery scheme with the Chinese bragged that his father was sitting next to him. The non corrupt in the DOJ wanted to use GPS data to see if Joe was actually sitting beside Hunter at that time. They were told not no, BUT HELL NO!

Weiss gave Hunter the heads up on upcoming searches by the FBI. IN YOUR MINDS IS THAT LEGIT?

The above is facts . Yet some contend Joe isn’t implicated. Do y’all know how many of their 4th amendment rights the FBI broke in the quest of the 1/6 mob? Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Part of that is not fact. It's fiction. Yes Biden boasted about his role in holding up a $1 billion loan from the Internatonal Monetary Fund to Ukraine unless the country's prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, were fired.

Biden also falsely claimed he was arrested for participating in a civil rights demonstration. And that his son Beau was killed in the Iraq war. And that he used to be a trucker. And that Golda Meir wanted him to be the go between for disputes between Israel and Egypt. And that he was against the war in Afghanistan from the very beginning. And that you're not going to get COVID if you're vaccinated, when at the time (after the Omicron wave) that was ridiculous.

He might not have have graduated from the University of Delaware or Syracuse law school if he didn't plagiarize other people's work. That's a habit he continued into his political career. Biden's most memorable political speeches included verbiage he lifted from British politician Neil Kinnock.

Biden's a compulsive liar. And he may be losing his mind.

The IMF, the EU, the State Department and the White House all wanted to get rid of Shokin. He would have gone with or without Biden. And he was removed months after Biden's boast (i.e. lie) about the $1 billion loan.

Where's the evidence that Joe Biden received $5 million from Burisma?

Still, as DNinja says, Biden looks like a boy scout by the side of Donald Trump. The solution is simple. Kick Trump to the curb and nominate another Republican to run in the general election.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Part of that is not fact. It's fiction. Yes Biden boasted about his role in holding up a $1 billion loan from the Internatonal Monetary Fund to Ukraine unless the country's prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, were fired.

Biden also falsely claimed he was arrested for participating in a civil rights demonstration. And that his son Beau was killed in the Iraq war. And that he used to be a trucker. And that Golda Meir wanted him to be the go between for disputes between Israel and Egypt. And that he was against the war in Afghanistan from the very beginning. And that you're not going to get COVID if you're vaccinated, when at the time (after the Omicron wave) that was ridiculous.

He might not have have graduated from the University of Delaware or Syracuse law school if he didn't plagiarize other people's work. That's a habit he continued into his political career. Biden's most memorable political speeches included verbiage he lifted from British politician Neil Kinnock.

Biden's a compulsive liar. And he may be losing his mind.

The IMF, the EU, the State Department and the White House all wanted to get rid of Shokin. He would have gone with or without Biden. And he was removed months after Biden's boast (i.e. lie) about the $1 billion loan.

Where's the evidence that Joe Biden received $5 million from Burisma?

Still, as DNinja says, Biden looks like a boy scout by the side of Donald Trump. The solution is simple. Kick Trump to the curb and nominate another Republican to run in the general election. Originally Posted by Tiny
This isn’t about Trump , but some damned idiots can’t figure that out, where is the fucking proof Trump ordered anyone to kill Pence, where is the proof Trump asked Georgia to manufacture or make up the 11k votes, there isn’t any, but idiots keep bringing it up. The proof of Joe Bidenreceiving 5 mil is the bank records of such.

Yes Biden is liar, but just a minor trait of the man. Yet idiots voted for a fucking proven liar, just how stupid are they? VERY EVIDENTLY
... So YOU don't believe Joe Biden got 5 Million from Burisma, Tiny?

And Biden looks like WHAT? ... A boy scout next to Trump??

... ... You then DEFEND the fellow who
surely used his brother and son to extract "pay for play" deals
with foreign nations - some hostile to the interests of America?

And who HID the money payments by doing "money laundering" schemes
so the public would not discover this - as the FBi/DOJ also
assisted in this cover-up?

... So all of that has Joe like a boy scout next to Trump?
Reckon you've surely showed us your true feelings on things.

Just so I understand.

#### Salty
Part of that is not fact. It's fiction. Yes Biden boasted about his role in holding up a $1 billion loan from the Internatonal Monetary Fund to Ukraine unless the country's prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, were fired.

Biden also falsely claimed he was arrested for participating in a civil rights demonstration. And that his son Beau was killed in the Iraq war. And that he used to be a trucker. And that Golda Meir wanted him to be the go between for disputes between Israel and Egypt. And that he was against the war in Afghanistan from the very beginning. And that you're not going to get COVID if you're vaccinated, when at the time (after the Omicron wave) that was ridiculous.

He might not have have graduated from the University of Delaware or Syracuse law school if he didn't plagiarize other people's work. That's a habit he continued into his political career. Biden's most memorable political speeches included verbiage he lifted from British politician Neil Kinnock.

Biden's a compulsive liar. And he may be losing his mind.

The IMF, the EU, the State Department and the White House all wanted to get rid of Shokin. He would have gone with or without Biden. And he was removed months after Biden's boast (i.e. lie) about the $1 billion loan.

Where's the evidence that Joe Biden received $5 million from Burisma?

Still, as DNinja says, Biden looks like a boy scout by the side of Donald Trump. The solution is simple. Kick Trump to the curb and nominate another Republican to run in the general election. Originally Posted by Tiny
Bank Records. Comer has bank transaction from about twenty Shell Companies associated with the Biden's. Money that is deposited into these phony business accounts where derived from foreign Governments.
oilfieldace's Avatar
... So YOU don't believe Joe Biden got 5 Million from Burisma, Tiny?

And Biden looks like WHAT? ... A boy scout next to Trump??

... ... You then DEFEND the fellow who
surely used his brother and son to extract "pay for play" deals
with foreign nations - some hostile to the interests of America?

And who HID the money payments by doing "money laundering" schemes
so the public would not discover this - as the FBi/DOJ also
assisted in this cover-up?

... So all of that has Joe like a boy scout next to Trump?
Reckon you've surely showed us your true feelings on things.

Just so I understand.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Well stated my friend. They all try to turn any post into , I hate the Orangeman, no matter what the post is about. If you can state Trump is bad man when the dots are clearly missing, but try to defend the existing clown in the WH with the defense of Biden has always been a liar, which is true, and he maybe losing his mind, then your defense is very weak. Oh well Biden is guilty by the evidence that has been presented while on the other hand, the prosecution only has what Trump actually meant when he said find 11K votes. Nothing factual ,mind you, just my opinion of what he meant to say, then go for it.
VitaMan's Avatar
The opinion that matters is that of the grand juries. What you have stated is your opinion.

If a grand jury is convened, and finds enough evidence, information, or facts to determine a case should proceed against President Biden or Hunter Biden, that will be the time to follow this more closely. At the moment, conjecture is brought up every week. I have lost count of how many threads per week.....maybe 15 per week ?

So far grand juries have found enough evidence, information, or facts to determine cases should proceed against former President Trump. I think it is 2 separate grand juries so far.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Yet idiots voted for a fucking proven liar, just how stupid are they? VERY EVIDENTLY Originally Posted by oilfieldace
John Fetterman, the brighter bulb in the candelabra..Remember, the party of woke offered up a really old, really corrupt, senile, white guy that has been a 50 year, career politician - and some voted for him,. 81 million votes my ass.
ICU 812's Avatar
When reading a work of Science Fiction, the reader must engage in what has been called "suspension of disbelief" to make the story work. That is, the reader must mentally agree to just go along with whatever the author has mas made up about faster than light travel ("War-Factor 5"). This applies to other forms of fiction writing where the reader must accept that the protagonist is that smart (Sheldon Cooper) or that attractive to women (James Bond) and so on.

In the case of President Biden, Hunter Biden and the wider Biden family, the democrats seem to apply this same concept to politics and law enforcement; the suspension of disbelief. We are told believe that the president had had past knowledge of his son's "business" activities nor does he now. We must believe that Hunter Biden has a shrewd mind for high stakes international business dealing with foreign governments. This despite the indisputable proof that he is and was a crack addicted womanizer or the revelations that those actually paying him judged him to be stupid. We must believe that all the Bidens have performed legitimate intangible services for the millions of dollars funneled to them through a filter of shell companies.

Furthermore, we all must believe that it doesn't matter if the President. Vice President, or any senator, congressman or congresswoman can adequately perform their duties regardless of their mental condition.

Senators Feinstein and Feterman come to mind. President Biden too of course. It is my un-suspended disbelief that each of them has experienced a significant degradation of their cognitive ability. VP Harris seems to have been born 'that way' though.