FOX news same old....

VitaMan's Avatar
Fox News executives President Jay Wallace and CEO Suzanne Scott traveled to Bedminster, New Jersey, earlier this month to dine with Mr. Trump at his golf resort while trying to persuade him to participate in the upcoming debates hosted by the network.

Channeling Meatloaf - "I would do anything for ratings....but I won't do that."

Just sayin
DNinja69's Avatar
Trump dodging the debates is the right move for now. He is so far ahead in the polls and has a resume nobody else does despite only holding elected office once before. Tomorrow we will get an idea who the dogs in this hunt are and if someone starts to gain momentum Trump will have a decision to make. For now he is playing with house money. Biden is the opponent. Trump is sparring every day waiting for the big stage. I don't think he will prevail but for now why not be King Kong?
VitaMan's Avatar
The focus here is FOX news.
Trump dodging the debates is the right move for now. He is so far ahead in the polls and has a resume nobody else does despite only holding elected office once before. Tomorrow we will get an idea who the dogs in this hunt are and if someone starts to gain momentum Trump will have a decision to make. For now he is playing with house money. Biden is the opponent. Trump is sparring every day waiting for the big stage. I don't think he will prevail but for now why not be King Kong? Originally Posted by DNinja69
... (Psst: that surely mean that Vita believes
that you're somehow off-topic, mate )

The pin-wheels at Fox can surely wine and dine with
Trump all they want... I also believe as DNinj does that
the best thing for Trump is to skip the Fox-News debate.

Fox will - wine WITH Trump - then WHINE without Him.

#### Salty
HoHound's Avatar
Only technology challenged old conservatives still watch Fox. They haven’t discovered streaming TV yet. Most everyone else has moved on.
ICU 812's Avatar
I watch Fox and what I hear makes me angry.

I watch CNN and what I hear makes me angry.

My perception is that Fox is not more, and not less biased than CNN is.
DNinja69's Avatar
Thanks Vita but I don't need a thought process manager, especially when the focus of your OP was Trump and the debate. His presence was felt and I think everyone there understood they are most likely just making a case to be VP unless DJT finds himself out of the race for one reason or another.

ICU I would concur though I find CNN more biased. I would not have sent anyone to see Trump if he wants to sit out all good. They need him more than he needs attention so I see their thought process.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The focus here is FOX news. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Hate to break it to you, regarding Fox news: MAGA don't give a chite about Fox news. That is why they were begging (groveling more like) to get him on their platform.
VitaMan's Avatar
Not exactly. It is Mr. Trump channeling Meatloaf:

"I would do anything for ratings.....but I won't do that."
Precious_b's Avatar
The focus here is FOX news. Originally Posted by VitaMan
If that focus is to say they ain't news, you are dead right according to rupert.

Hate to break it to you, regarding Fox news: MAGA don't give a chite about Fox news. That is why they were begging (groveling more like) to get him on their platform. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Nobody does. I've always told you they were lightweights and you just had to throw anything that stuck to the wall to say otherwise.

They will always be holding OAN jockstrap.

BTW, where do you find those cheapskate OAN people nowadays?