13 million watched GOP debate while Trump/Tucker interview has 245 million views. Bahahahahahahahahahaha

HoHound's Avatar

MAGA owns the Republican party. RINOs are just controlled opposition bitches for the Democrat party. It's MAGA vs. Uniparty. That's all there is to it.
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 08-25-2023, 12:29 AM
And umpteen thousands came out to see trumpf events when he campaigned in 2020 and nobody saw Biden while he was hiding out in his basement. Who won in 2020 by 70+ electoral votes?
Lucas McCain's Avatar

MAGA owns the Republican party. RINOs are just controlled opposition bitches for the Democrat party. It's MAGA vs. Uniparty. That's all there is to it. Originally Posted by HoHound
MAGA does own the Republican party. That is not debatable. It's also not debatable that the majority of this country wants no part of MAGA cult membership... I think 2020 kind of proved that simple fact along with how the subsequent Trump endorsed clowns for political office were a big no bueno for the endorsees with the majority in their states.
  • Tiny
  • 08-25-2023, 07:39 AM
RINOs are just controlled opposition bitches for the Democrat party. Originally Posted by HoHound
Indeed, Donald Trump, RINO, is the Democrat's best friend. He's responsible for Republican losses in 2018, 2020 and 2022. If he's the Republican nominee in 2024 he may succeed in making America a one party state, because he'll lose and drag down the rest of the ticket.

Trump used to be a card carrying member of the Democratic Party, at which time he had no problem with partial birth abortion and favored an Elizabeth Warren style wealth tax.
ICU 812's Avatar
And umpteen thousands came out to see trumpf events when he campaigned in 2020 and nobody saw Biden while he was hiding out in his basement. Who won in 2020 by 70+ electoral votes? Originally Posted by jan-w
It is my judgement that the progressive power brokers of the Liberal-Left could not accept their loss to Mr. Trump in the 2016 election and chose to pursue a win in 2020 without regard to ethics or the law.

It is my deeply held belief that the 2020 election was compromised by more "irregularities" than in any other national election in the past 100 years.

A hypothetical team in any sport composed entirely MVPs and the first round draft picks from the previous ten years could not win a game if the Referees were calling the game for the other team.
It is my judgement that the progressive power brokers of the Liberal-Left could not accept their loss to Mr. Trump in the 2016 election and chose to pursue a win in 2020 without regard to ethics or the law.

It is my deeply held belief that the 2020 election was compromised by more "irregularities" than in any other national election in the past 100 years.

A hypothetical team in any sport composed entirely MVPs and the first round draft picks from the previous ten years could not win a game if the Referees were calling the game for the other team. Originally Posted by ICU 812
The 2020 election was without a doubt compromised. But we've been looking in the wrong direction. It wasn't voting machines or Mail in Ballots those aspects may have played a role but it was a very small one. Attention needs to be directed towards the Money. Who benefited by a Biden Presidential victory. The Banking Cartels that's who. Voting Machines, Mail In Ballots, Pandemic Restrictions that's all scenery it doesn't mean anything. It's time to look at who the main players are in the Biden Administration what their main objectives are and who they work for. You'll get a much better idea of the degree of corruption and how the election was compromised.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The 2020 election was without a doubt compromised. But we've been looking in the wrong direction. It wasn't voting machines or Mail in Ballots those aspects may have played a role but it was a very small one. Attention needs to be directed towards the Money. Who benefited by a Biden Presidential victory. The Banking Cartels that's who. Voting Machines, Mail In Ballots, Pandemic Restrictions that's all scenery it doesn't mean anything. It's time to look at who the main players are in the Biden Administration what their main objectives are and who they work for. You'll get a much better idea of the degree of corruption and how the election was compromised. Originally Posted by Levianon17
That's the thing I like about Trump:

He knows where the bodies are going to be buried.
VitaMan's Avatar
The topic proves viewers would rather watch a clown.

Or, quite possibly.......TDS ?

MAGA owns the Republican party. RINOs are just controlled opposition bitches for the Democrat party. It's MAGA vs. Uniparty. That's all there is to it. Originally Posted by HoHound
Tell us you don't know how view counts work without telling us you don't know how view counts work...
... WHY are most of you lads all off-topic here?

... READ the thread title again and let's ALL comment on THAT.

Here... I'll start - 245 Million viewers... Two hours with Trump.
Must be a WORLD RECORD...

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
The topic proves viewers would rather watch a clown.

Or, quite possibly.......TDS ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
There are ways to "influence" click/view counts. That's what happened I guarantee. I did not watch that spoon fed propaganda bs.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Trump supporters will act like this is a win. What they don't understand is that it means jack shit.

There is a reason why people slow down to look at car accidents while driving... Trump and Fucker Carlson are an awesome duo for their delusional fans... two loudmouth dipshits who will lie about everything and anything for ratings. What's not to like and respect about that? LOL
VitaMan's Avatar
... WHY are most of you lads all off-topic here?

... READ the thread title again and let's ALL comment on THAT.

Here... I'll start - 245 Million viewers... Two hours with Trump.
Must be a WORLD RECORD...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
the actual numbers.
so it was not two hours with Trump
it was more like 2 seconds was enough

According to Neilsen, the debate on Fox News brought in 12.8 million total viewers.
In comparison, the episode of “Tucker on X” with Trump had 14.8 million views. Carlson outpaced the debate on Fox News by 2 million.

The video of Carlson auto-played for at least two seconds for a total of 236 million views. However, the 46-minute interview itself played 14.8 million times.
DNinja69's Avatar
245 million views stored in the same ballot box as those votes Trump demanded people 'go find' in Georgia. No question Trump is popular and one reason he was able to secure the nomination was his ability to generate views without buying ads or having to 'play the game' the way other candidates do. A cult of personality does not function otherwise.

The question currently is do the views equate to support? At the moment I would argue yes but what will happen if/when another Republican candidate starts to gain some momentum? The important numbers start with who has Republican support but really come down to who can beat Biden head to head. So long as DJT is seen as the only candidate running who could win a general election he will continue to get a lot of attention. It's not about much more than that despite the arguments about who is or isn't 'a true Republican' let's be real. I think once the indictments and other speed bumps on his path start to diminish the support Trump will again trust his ego and again fail to secure a victory. Whether that happens by losing his bid for the nomination either in the primary or by stepping out of the race time will tell. He is not going to win a general election. The party would be better off without him at this point. But he sure is popular. For those who value that as a criteria for President have at him.. I'll likely take a pass though neither Biden nor his current VP will ever get my vote.
the actual numbers.
so it was not two hours with Trump
it was more like 2 seconds was enough

According to Neilsen, the debate on Fox News brought in 12.8 million total viewers.
In comparison, the episode of “Tucker on X” with Trump had 14.8 million views. Carlson outpaced the debate on Fox News by 2 million.

The video of Carlson auto-played for at least two seconds for a total of 236 million views. However, the 46-minute interview itself played 14.8 million times. Originally Posted by VitaMan
... I addressed this over in your thread.
Go give it a read.

... But again - 236 MILLION views!

### Salty